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Q: Does water pressure increase or decrease as you go deeper into the ocean?
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Does pressure decrease or increase in the ocean?

Pressure increases as you go down.

Why does the water pressure increase the deeper you go in the ocean?

i was told that it is the weight of the water around you

What happens to temperature and pressure as you go deeper into the ocean?

Because the deeper you go the more water you have on top of you, every 10 meters you go under water, you have another atmosphere on top of you, the wieg that is pressed to you is what causes the pressure

What is the salinity when you get deeper into the ocean?

because of the pressure that's why the ocean get's deeper :)

When an ocean's depth increases does the temperature increase or decrease?

In general, the answer is the water gets colder as you go deeper. But, there are exceptions. For example, at the Galapagos Rift there are intensely hot (hundreds of degrees) springs at depths of almost two miles.

When you go deeper in the ocean what decreases?

The pressure

Salt content of ocean increase or decrease?


Why is it dangerous for human dive deep into the ocean?

there is higher pressure the deeper you travel into the ocean. this pressure is detrimental to health. also breathing is an issue.

Why do bubbles rising to the surface of the ocean expand?

The deeper the bubbles are in the ocean, the greater the pressure is. As they rise to the surface, the pressure decreases, allowing the bubbles to expand.

The deepest point in the ocean is 11km below sea level deeper than Mt Everest is tall What is the pressure in atmospheres at this depth?

The pressure at the deepest point in the ocean is approximately 1,100 atmospheres. This is calculated based on the increase in pressure by one atmosphere for every 10 meters of depth underwater.

What can an increase in the density of the ocean water?

salt a decrease in temperature and an increasue in salinity

What can causes an increase in the density of the ocean water?

salt a decrease in temperature and an increasue in salinity