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Yes, known as Rio Grande in USA and Rio Bavo del Norte in Mexico, it forms the border between Texas and Mexico.

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Q: Does the rio bravo form part of the border between the us and Mexico?
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Which river form the border between the us and Mexico?

The Rio Grande or Rio Bravo del Norte.

What river in parts form the border of the US?

It is the Rio Grande River (Rio Bravo del Norte as known in Mexico)

What natural boundary helps form the border between the US and Mexico?

Rio Grande

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What rivers form a part of the Texas boundary line?

The Texas-Oklahoma border is formed by the Red River. The Texas-Mexico border is formed by the Rio Grande.

Does Mexico form the southern border of the US?

Yes, it does.

How many miles form California to Mexico?

At the California/Mexico border it is a matter of inches.

What countries or bodies of water border the United States?

The United States is bordered by Canada and Mexico. The Atlantic Ocean is on the east coast and the Pacific Ocean is on the west coast. The Rio Grande River is the border between Texas and Mexico and the 5 Great Lakes and the Hudson River form a border between the eastern US and Canada.

Which two rivers form parts of the borders between the US Canada and Mexico?

the st.lawrence river forms part of the border between the u.s and canada. The rio grande borders between the u.s and mexico.

What countries form boundaries in the US?

There are two countries that form the borders of the United States: Canada and Mexico. Canada forms the northern border of the United States and Mexico forms the Southern border of the United States.

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no no My reascearch tells me that the Himalaya Mountians form the Border Between Nepal and Tibet I hope my research is Correct do inform me. You are right. The Himalayas form the border between Nepal and Tibet. The Ural mountains form the border between Asia and Europe, and is located mostly in Russia and Kazakhstan.

What are the two rivers that form the parts of the United States border?

assuming you are in Mexico which i do because you would be right that there are only 2 rivers in that case whereas if you were in Canada there would be far more than 2 the rivers you seek are the Rio bravo & the Rio Colorado in the united states the Rio bravo is called the Rio grande tho here the us border is called the Mexican border so if you had asked what 2 rivers form parts of the Mexican border then the better answer would have been the Rio grande & the Colorado river but only provided you were actually asking it in the united states for had you been in say Belize which also has a Mexican border the better answer would have been even more different etc etc