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80% of the people screaming on Roller Coasters are doing it because it just comes out (don't be afraid to let it out) and it makes the ride fun. And I'm guessing that you are afraid of roller coasters but to answer your question it does, it gets all the butterflies away as you go down that first drop. My first roller coaster i remember that weird feeling in my stomach and once i started screaming it went away fast. try laughing too, but screaming works best (at least with me)

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Q: Does screaming on a roller coaster really help you feel less scared?
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What should you do when you are with a girl on a roller coaster and she seems scared?

get chewed

What should you do if you're scared of riding a roller coaster?

Either stay off the roller coaster, or keep riding it until the fear goes away.

Name an activity people enjoy being scared by?

scary movies haunted house roller coaster skydiving

Is the big roller coaster at Oaks Park scary?

You mean Looping Thunder? I don't get scared of roller coasters. But for someone who is new to them, yes. But I Garuntee the ride is safe.

Can you die on a roller coaster from like being scared and going on one?

Yes, you die from heart attack or cerebral heamorrage. Scared to death, not real common, but it has happened.

Why was the first roller coaster built?

To build potential energy, which is converted to kinetic energy upon descent. The higher up the roller coaster climbs, the more potential energy it builds, thus having more kinetic energy upon descent. Since there are no motors or engines, roller coasters are reliant on this back & forth transfer of energy.

How long does the Rock 'N' Roller coaster last?

It depends how scared you are, it can last forever, if you really want it to be over!

An example sentence with the word enjoy?

You have to enjoy the roller coaster or you will be scared

Why we don't feel scared in the roller coaster in amusement parks when we are upside down?

we don't feel scared because firstly,we are assured that it is safe and secondly, it depends upon our nerves and our fear of course!!

What does grasped mean?

Grasping meaning to try to take or grab something. For example 'as the roller coaster began moving she grasped her friends hand as she was scared'

How do you get over your fear of loops on roller coasters?

A couple months ago I went on my first roller coaster, so I know how scary it can be! I would recommend always going with a friend or family member who can ride with you. It helps to ask them questions about the ride if they've been on it before, so you can know more about it. Before you go on a ride, tell yourself it's gonna be okay! You'll have a blast when you're done, trust me. When I got off my first roller coaster I asked myself, 'why was I so scared'? Also, here's what I've heard about why people are scared to go on roller coasters: Your mind is telling you that going so fast and upside down would normally hurt you, so it makes you feel like its dangerous so you wont want to go on it. But if you can look past that fear and realize it's NOT dangerous, it's totally fun!

What are some affects of roller coaster rides on the human body?

On a coaster g-forces constantly push and pull at our bodies. If we go fast enough, the force of gravity can stop the flow of blood to our brains and eyes, causing blackouts or temporary blindness.