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No the have little humus

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10y ago

No, desert soils have very little humus.

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What do humus contain?


Which two layers of soil are likely to contain humus?

The topsoil layer and the organic matter layer are likely to contain humus. Humus is a dark, organic material that forms from the decomposition of plant and animal matter, enriching the soil with nutrients and improving its structure and fertility.

What is rich in humus and minerals for growing plants?

Both humus and minerals contain nitrogen for growth of plants. Alluvial soils are rich in humus and minerals making them good for growth of plants.

How are Organic Nutrients and Humus related?

Humus is decayedvegetable matterthat may or may not contain nutrients. Nutrients are the soil borne food on which the plants live

Could the moon contain humus?

I doubt it, the amount of chickpeas on the Moon is nil.

Which 2 layers of the soil are least likely to contain humus?

the two layers are sub soil The layer of soil that has little or no humus in it is the subsoil. The top layer of the soil has the most humus in it because the dead leaves fall from the plant and go back into the soil.

What is a sentence using humus?

"Humus is in soil," "the humus levels were high," Did I answer your Question?

What resource does humus provide for soil?

Legumes contain nitrogen fixing bacteria in their roots, which provides nutrients to other plants. Nutrition

Could a soil sample from the moon contain humas?

No, soil samples from the moon would not contain humus because humus is a dark organic substance found in soil on Earth that is formed by the decomposition of plant and animal matter. The soil on the moon is largely composed of rock fragments, fine dust, and minerals, with no organic material present.

How would you use humus in a sentence?

I like to eat humus. I dip my carrots into humus.

Is humus a mixture of humus and clay?

No, Humus is made from dead organic plants and animals.

Is humus a living thing?

No, humus is nonliving.