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In the popular usage, they are already dead or fossilized and therefore do not have any excretory capacity, any more than say, dinosaurs fossils. When alive, that is someting else. Coral are marine life ( one is not sure if they are fauna or flora- perhaps something in between. in the popular sense-as decorative items- they were once the national jewel of Italy, they are already extinct- that is dead- and do not have any excretory or intake capacity. It should be noted that Seahorses externally fossilize also and many are small, the size of a quarter. Either they die young or are a smaller variant of the species. the largest Sea Horses can top about l4 inches. Seahorses are fish, bizarre as they appear.

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Coral are very simple organisms, so they have no specialized structures for removing waste. Instead, inside the coral tissue are organisms called zooxanthellae that use the coral's waste for photosynthesis.

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Q: Does coral produce waste
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How does coral poop?

Coral poops by expelling waste out through the pharnyx.

What structures do coral colonies produce?

Coral Reefs

What do coral colonies produce?

Many have photosynthesizing algae within their tissue that produce oxygen. Dead coral also produces the foundation on which future generations of coral will live.

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How do coral polyps produce a coral reef?

By breaking off and making new corals.

What waste do we produce?

we produce poo

Does deep sea coral produce?

for starters there is no such thing as deep sea coral coral lis only in shallow water so the answer to the question you asked is no.

How are coral reefs being endangered?

The way coral reefs are being endangered are by us. We keep on throwing waste on the beaches. The water washes up on shore. And the waste floats down to the coral reefs. And the fishes and species that live there are either eating it or living in it. If they eat it the chemicals in the waste can kill them! if they are living in them then the saltwater in the coral reefs since the water is so warm, it release the chemicals in the water and the water gets into the species gills and kills them. It is up to us to stop throwing or leaving waste on the beaches so the coral reefs aren't in dangered anymore. So that is how the caorl reefs are endangered.

How does a bobcat produce waste?

Yes, all living organisms produce waste, including the Bobcat.

What type of skin do coral have?

It would be most like jellyfish skin but coral also produce the rocky shell that is left over even after they die.

How life processes produce waste?

Animals eat food and absorb the vitamins, nutrients and energy and produce waste from the materials the body does not need. The bodies of dead animals also decay and produce waste.

Does coral lay eggs?

Most coral species spawn annually. They release eggs and sperm into the water on a few nights of each year. The eggs are fertilized in the water to produce coral larvae.