

Best Answer

Trust me it doesn't even hurt.

The worst part is the shot that makes you numb and that is not even bad

If you are really worried just close your eyes the whole tie, listen to music, or anything. You will be fine

When your tooth is infected it hurts because there is a nerve in the middle. Your dentist will numb the tooth/nerve and remove the nerve from inside the tooth and clean and fill the canals with an organic material.

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11y ago
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Aditya Sharma

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1y ago

Root canal procedures may cause some discomfort, but with modern techniques and anesthesia, the pain can be effectively managed. During the procedure, you will be given local anesthesia to numb the area, ensuring that you don't feel any pain. However, it is normal to experience mild soreness or sensitivity in the treated tooth and surrounding area after the anesthesia wears off. This discomfort is typically temporary and can be alleviated with over-the-counter pain relievers recommended by your dentist. If you have any concerns about pain during or after a root canal, it is best to discuss them with your dentist, as they can provide guidance and address your specific needs.

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15y ago

I can only speak from my experience but I had a root canal done on a molar 2 years ago and it was easier than a lot of fillings I've had done. Honestly I was more bored than anything since the appt takes awhile. I was really nervous going in since there is such a stigma around root canals but I swear it was one of my easiest dental experiences, except maybe on the wallet :)

They can hurt, but it really depends who you go to. A root canal specialist or Endodontist treats inflamed, infected, painful teeth all day and everyday. They are experienced at giving profound numbness to all teeth and complete root canals more quickly which helps prevent tired and painful jaw muscles.

If your jaw is very infected though and you go in with severe pain, anesthetic may not be as effective and you could experience some discomfort. This is another reason not to delay going to the dentist!

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14y ago
Well Root Canals.
i got one done recently. And i thought it hurt. but i am only young. that quite did hurt. you can feel it somtimes around the nerves.So yeah............................................................................................................=]

even though i did have freezing:P

itinkineedmo freesin

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15y ago

Post-operative pain or soreness after a root canal on average will last 3 days. Some patients feel no pain, while some feel pain for 1-2 weeks. Anything within this range is normal. If your prescribed pain medication is not working, I would call your dentist or root canal specialist.

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15y ago

answer from I can only speak from my experience but I had a root canal done on a molar 2 years ago and it was easier than a lot of fillings I've had done. Honestly I was more bored than anything since the appt takes awhile. I was really nervous going in since there is such a stigma around root canals but I swear it was one of my easiest dental experiences, except maybe on the wallet :)

They can hurt, but it really depends who you go to. A root canal specialist or Endodontist treats inflamed, infected, painful teeth all day and everyday. They are experienced at giving profound numbness to all teeth and complete root canals more quickly which helps prevent tired and painful jaw muscles.

If your jaw is very infected though and you go in with severe pain, anesthetic may not be as effective and you could experience some discomfort. This is another reason not to delay going to the dentist!

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14y ago

Yes, it does. I've had anything you can think of done to my teeth, including extraction, and I'm afraid root canal treatment is the most painful. It lasts an hour, it's tough to keep your mouth open the entire time and it's a sharp pain (although not constant) that you can barely bare. I've had it done 4 times, it's not cool.

No, it doesn't, the only pain I experienced was the needle used to put in the numbing agents. And since the nerve is removed in the process, there is no pain afterwards.

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15y ago

No, its not painful. Root canal will be performed only after proper anesthesia is administered.However one might experience tickling sensation.

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11y ago

there only supoosed to hurt a little bit

around the gum


Pain is minimal and may be treated with over the counter pain medications.

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13y ago

Not with normal dental anesthesia, no. Today, root canal is done with one visit, a vast improvement over the old days when it took a minimum of two, and sometimes three visits.

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Q: Does a root canal hurt
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Many times when the canal was deep and infected the dentist will use special files to widen the canal. This is essentially removing tissue from the tooth. this can cause the gums to be sore. Now if the root was not all removed you would feel pain in the exact tooth. thanks for reading.. Http:// is my Dental website.

How painful is a root canal for a child?

i am 12 years old i just had my root canal today. It didn't hurt bad they just nummed the area around the tooth it was fine. For a child the biggest factor is fear.

How are root canals helpful?

I remember a few years ago, I had a rotten tooth. My dentist said if he didn't perform a root canal, the rot would get to my bloodstream, poison, and kill me. So the root canal saved my life. And it didn't even hurt much.

hi my name is Sabrina, i in of a bad root canal. It hurt so bad to the point i can sleep or eat even?

hi my name is Sabrina, i in of a bad root canal. It hurt so bad to the point i can sleep or eat even cry myself to sleep! i have a medicaid and over 20!! help

Can a person exercise after a root canal?

Yes you can exercise after a root canal. It will have no interfierence.

Does your dentist perform root canal procedures?

They do perform root canals for nine hundred dollars. He also gives you a choice of removing the tooth. To remove the tooth is about one hundred. They both hurt, but the root canal saves your tooth and takes much longer to perform.

Why does your root canal hurt after a tongue piercing?

because god is punishing you for doing a stupid thing. cause I am god. LOL

Should your gums and tooth still hurt 3 weeks after a root canal?

No. There something else going on. It may still be infected or possibly the occlusion needs to be adjusted. Return to the dentist who performed the root canal and let them diagnose the problem.

Why does your tooth hurt that you had a root canal done on about 3 years ago?

Generally its not the same tooth that may be hurting, if the root canal was performed properly. You should go see a dentist to rule out other dental issues you might be having. Once the root is removed it is a dead tooth, no longer susceptible to sensation. A "root canal" procedure does not include the removal of a root(s), only the "killing" of the nerve down the center of the roots.

What are consequences of getting your root canal therapy?

If your tooth needs a root canal and is not painful, then it must be a dead tooth. When a tooth is dead, it is a source of infection which is not good. It is possible that it could hurt in the future due to infection. Better to have the root canal done, because you're trying to save your tooth. If you don't have the root canal treatment done and your tooth continues to decay, the dentist might have to pull that tooth out in the future. Once you pull out your tooth, that's gone forever