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dead sperm?

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Q: Does a dead sperm float in water?
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Why a man can float in a dead sea?

because it has so much salt in it that it enables the body to float instead of sinking in the water

How you float on the dead sea?

Yes because there is so much salt in dead sea water the water is denser making you relatively lighter compared to normal water.

How do you get the dead bodies to float in COD 5?

i think by getting it into the water well it should float

What happens to sperm in water?

dried sperm is dead, getting it wet will make the seamen slimy again but the sperm will still be dead.

Where do the frogs sperm and egg cells meet?

they float around in the water until they join

Can an anchor float in the dead sea?

Assuming it's a regular steel anchor, an anchor, can't float in the dead sea. Dead Sea water is dense and buoyant for being water, but it's not THAT dense.

How do you perform a dead man float in swimming?

You float face down in the water. You only move to get air.

Why does salt makes an object float?

it increases the density of the water, making objects float easier. ex. the dead sea.

Do dead bodies float on water?

Yes, because they contain gases from the decomposition.

Why do you float in water with tons of salt?

I think substances can float in very salty water, because salty water (example the dead sea)is much more denser than other any other non-salty water, so things will float much more easier.

Why did dead body float on water?

A dead body can float on water due to the gases produced during decomposition. As the body breaks down, the gases fill the body cavities, causing it to become less dense and allowing it to float. Other factors such as body composition and water temperature can also play a role in body buoyancy.

Why do eggs float to the top in salt water?

This had to do with density. When you put the egg into the water, it sinks as it is more dense than the water. However, if you add salt in the water, it becomes salt water and makes the water more dense than the egg so the egg can float. It is the same reason why people float in the dead sea. The dead sea is very salty and is more dense than humans. That's why we float so well in the dead sea.