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Zoos employ animal doctors (veterinarians ), nutritionists, and other professionals to give the best care possible to their animals. Most zoos do this, in an attempt to try, and protect their animals, and keep them as healthy as possible. The average zoo does not set out to hurt, or neglect their animals. Some small, and unregulated zoos, (private collections, or petting zoos), may not be as concerned for the animal's welfare as they should be. Anytime, there is a question in a vistors mind, as to the conditions of an animal, or it's living quarters, it needs to be reported discreetly, but quickly, to the proper authorities. But on average, most zoos, try to keep all their animals healthy and happy.

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If they do, its extremely rare. Animals that are kept in a zoo are actually well cared for.

Most zoos do a reasonable job of caring for their animals well. Some zoos do an outstanding job of caring for their animals. Few zoos do a wretched job of caring for their animals. There are state regulators and commjinity watch groups that encourage a very high quality of care for the animals in zoos, but it is a difficult job and even an excellent zoo can have trouble with some exhibits. The Oregon Zoo has a first rate Asian elephant program, but the polar bears are not doing well. Efforts continue to give all the animals a high quality of life.

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Do animals get hurt on purpose at zoos and why?

Well, I think they hurt the animals because I think they capture them and take them to the zoo and that's how they get money.

Are zoos a good place for an animal?

yes because in zoos they protect animals

Why zoos are goog for endangered animals?

from getting hurt

Why are zoos in important?

Well many zoos protect important species .

Why are animals kept in zoos?

so they don't escape and die or hurt someone Zoos are nonprofit organizations that are run for the purpose of public education. Zoos follow the philosophy of harmony between man and the natural world through knowledge.

Are animals well fed in zoos?

it depends on the zoo but, generally, zoos in the US take very good care of their animals.

Do zoos harm animals or protects them?

Both, they harm them by taking them out of their natural habitat, but protect them from predators.

Why animals should be kept in zoos?

Animals should be kept in zoos, because they provide educational help for kids to learn about animals, without the risk of injury to themselves or the animals. Also some animals are endangered and are better off kept in zoos with a safe, protected environment with out being hurt by their predators.

What is the purpose of having zoos?

Zoos serve several purposes. One is to protect rare species that are endangered. Also, zoos allow for the scientific study of animals. A third reason is to attract tourists and help people learn about a wide array of animals.

Can a law help prevent animal extinction?

Yes, no hunting can. This would help protect animals themselves as well as that animals prey, and the prey's prey, and so on. But rainfall still changes that, as well as deforestation, urbanization, zoos being built, and more.

What are the religious views about zoos?

Well there are Christian zoos and budders don't like the idea because it's not fair on animals.

How safe are animals in zoos?

yes, zoos don't give the animals enough space to do what they want, most zoos mistreat and abuse their animals when the animals don't do what they want them to do also zoos don't feed the animals enough if you look at some of the animals at a zoo they can be really skinny from were their not being fed enough