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Yes, they get to... wait... I think that they are allowed to run around in their pens. Good zoo owners will always make big areas so that the animals can be happy. Not making animals happy once they are removed from their habitat is cruelty to animals. Now go visit a zoo, you monkey!!!!!!!! (You don't have to)

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13y ago

No they do not get enough exercise in zoo captivity, because their en closers are normal to small and if they are wild animals they do not get to run free like thy do in the wild.

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that depends on how much they get moved and how they get moved and fed

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Some do. Many don't.

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Q: Do zoos give animals enough cage space?
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* Give them an adequate space to live (cage) * Give them food and water * Give them a little house/igloo/hideaway in the cage so they have a place to sleep and just chill * Put your hand in the cage and let them get used to you

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Yes! It is actually recommended that you keep at least 2 rats together, if not more! Make sure the cage is large enough and give them a while outside of the cage to get to know each other. Rats are very social animals and do not like to like to live alone.

How safe are animals in zoos?

yes, zoos don't give the animals enough space to do what they want, most zoos mistreat and abuse their animals when the animals don't do what they want them to do also zoos don't feed the animals enough if you look at some of the animals at a zoo they can be really skinny from were their not being fed enough

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introduce them and make sure they get along before you have them live together. Give them their own space, so make sure their cage is big enough. give them separate food dishes

How do you take care animals?

feed them and give them enough water and they need shelther

What to give my budgie to breed?

Perhaps a budgie of the opposite sex, a good diet, plenty of water, and a cage that is large enough for freedom of movement.

Hes contacting his ex?

Give him enough space to make a decision. He's not over her.

Can you put two bettas in one bowl?

Not male bettas, not ever. Females can live together, but you'd have to make sure to give them both enough space. A "bowl" usually won't give them enough space. Even still, they can and will sometimes get into fights.

What type of cage the zoo animals have?

It only depends on what type of animals you are talking about. If you are talking about a bird cage then its going to be smaller, but if your talking about a dog cage then it is going to be about 3x (smallest) the size of a bird cage. But zoo animals don't exactly have cages. The zookeepers give the animal a habitat that is like their original home. For example, you would not keep a lion in a cage. Lions need open room to do their everyday normal things, like; run, sleep, eat, mate (if other male or female lions are in). I am not saying that lions will mate if you put two different genders in one area. But, long story short... If there are any zoo animals ( I am pretty sure there have to be at least a few) they would be in a metal or steel cage.

How do you help animals that are going extinct?

reproduce them and give them space to live in

How do you settle hamsters into a new cage?

You give them food and let them get accustomed to the cage