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Q: Do tropical seasonal forest ants eat berries?
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What animals are found on the forest floor in the tropical rainforest?

lizards, ants, beetles and snakes

What kind of Insects are found in a tropical dry forest?

ants,bees,ex all kind of insects are found in a tropical dry rainforest

What is an example of parasitism in rainforests?

An example of parasitism in the tropical rain forest is a phorid fly on leaf-cutter ants. =]

Which layer of the forest does fire ants live?

which layer of the rain forest does fire ants live?

What are 3 animals that live in the tropical rain forest?

Jaguar snakes slot poison frog snake leopards monkeys bird ants bugs fish bats

Do ants live in the tropical rainforest?


What do army ants ants eat?

Army ants eat crumbs

What animals live in forest floor?


What eats American mountain ash trees and berries?

Ants and small organisms.

What types of bugs are in tropical rain forests?

beetles, worms, Poison caterpillars, tarantulas, butterflies and poison butterflies, leafcutter ants, soldier ants,red ants, and about 50,000 other species. the rain forest has the biggest variety of bugs and animals and i think plants so i cant mention all of them. :) i hope this answered your question

What eat ants in the forest?

Well i think whatever eats ants i guessed i dont know

What are some examples of symbiosis in a tropical dry forest?

Some examples of symbiosis in a tropical dry forest include the relationship between plants and mycorrhizal fungi, where the fungi help the plants absorb nutrients in exchange for sugars. Another example is the mutualistic relationship between acacia plants and ants, where the plants provide shelter and food to the ants in exchange for protection against herbivores. Additionally, certain plants may form symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria to enhance nutrient uptake.