Tigers live in areas where there is a lot of cover and plenty of prey (food). Their habitat are in mountain ranges and forest. For the Bengal Tigers, they are found mostly in the Himalayas and its surrounding forest. For the Sumatran Tigers, they can be found in the jungles (forest) in the Island of Sumatra in Indonesia, South China Tigers can be found in the mountain ranges and forest of South China.
To answer your question, no they do not live in the Amazon rainforest.
tropical rainforest
Most tigers live in a tropical rainforest or tropical woodland habitat. However, the Siberian Tiger lives in the subarctic pine forest (taiga) of Russia.
They live in the tropical rainforest in Madagascar
the canopy.
No, cheetas do not live in the rainforest. They live in grasslands such as the savannas of Africa.
Squirrel monkeys live in tropical rainforests
The people live in the tropical rainforest by build sand house, or with wood or build the home with leaves.
A Snow tiger lives in a jungle type habitat. Mountain, lowland and or tropical rainforest
in the tropical rainforest