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Tides and also currents do need to be taken into consideration when navigating. Tides are more important when you are near the coast, as you don't want to run aground, or when you are docking, as you may have to go through some channels or a tidal river, or require a level of depth to navigate these or dock your boat.

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Q: Do tides help in navigation
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How do tides help us?

Tidal energy can be used to generate electricity.

What tides is important?

importance of tides fishing navigation

Why do you need tides?

Tides are important for coastal ecosystems as they help in nutrient cycling, sediment transport, and oxygen circulation. They also play a crucial role in shaping coastal landscapes and providing habitats for various marine species. Additionally, tides are essential for navigation and fishing activities in coastal areas.

Give one reason why seafarer's like to know the time of high tides and low tides?

Seafarers need to know the time of high tides and low tides for navigation and planning their journeys. High tides allow ships to enter ports or traverse shallow areas safely, while low tides can impact the depth of water available for navigation.

What is the significance of the moon altitude in relation to tides and celestial navigation?

The moon's altitude affects the strength of tides and is crucial for celestial navigation. When the moon is directly overhead or at its highest point in the sky, it creates higher tides. This is because the moon's gravitational pull is strongest at this point. In celestial navigation, the moon's altitude helps sailors determine their position at sea by using its position in the sky as a reference point.

Why aren't tides important?

tides are important to the shore. the bird also use tide to get their foodTides are significant because they are relevant to navigation and fishing in the oceans. Since they occur at regular intervals, people can predict their movements. Tides also help with pollution.

How did technology help navigation?

to be faster

What can a tide cause?

Tides can cause changes in sea level, affecting coastal areas and shorelines. They can also influence ocean currents and affect marine ecosystems and habitats. Additionally, tides can impact navigation and marine activities.

What is the significance of the moon's path in relation to tides and navigation?

The moon's path is significant because it influences the tides on Earth. The gravitational pull of the moon causes the water in the oceans to bulge, creating high and low tides. This tidal pattern is important for navigation as it affects water levels and currents, which can impact ships and boats moving through bodies of water. Understanding the moon's path and its effect on tides is crucial for safe and efficient navigation at sea.

What mood does Henry Longfellow's use of repetition in the tides rise the tides fall help to create?


What can auto navigation systems do for me?

An auto navigation system can help you along your drives. If you sometime need help or face difficulty on the road and need assistance, an auto navigation system will benefit your needs.

What is navigation tools?

Navigation tools are on most sites. They are used to help guide their visitors through their website and help them locate the section they are hunting.