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Nothiing will happen. Supposedly there is a Vortex in that area of the Atlantic Ocean. There is legend that the city of Atlantis existed in that general area. So therefore, if that vortex is open at the time anything goes through a certain coordination of that area, there is chance that it will be pulled by the energy of the vortex down into the ocean. Where the object goes at that point has yet to be answered. Legend is:

Another dimension.

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12y ago

no one knows for sure that is why it is a mystery

A more rational perspective:The "Bermuda Triangle" is an area of unpredictable weather with quite a few small, rocky islands. As a result, many ships have been blown off course during the bad weather and have hit rocks, resulting in sunken ships and missing crews.

As humans, we like to have an explanation for mysteries, so when someone along the way noticed that the ships passing through the area now known as the Bermuda Triangle have disappeared, he (or she) said a few words that probably started the myth. But it's nothing more than that; a myth, superstition or scary story.

But people will believe what they want, so it doesn't matter what rational explanation is offered; uninformed, superstitious people will cling to the mystical regarding the area known as the Bermuda Triangle.

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14y ago

I deleted the last answer, which was by someone who thought Amelia Earhart vanished in the Triangle. Sorry, wrong ocean!

What happens? Well, you just travel, same as anywhere else, and if weather and other conditions don't cause problems, you get where you are going. The Triangle is a manufactured mystery; no reason to think it is any more dangerous than anywhere else (taking weather and amount of travel into account). See Kusche's "The Bermuda Triangle Mystery- Solved if you really want to know what happened.


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12y ago

Oh no, that'll be sad if I died!

The only people who die as a result of 'entering' the Bermuda triangle die for exactly the same reasons that people die anywhere else in the world doing the same things, under the same circumstance; any where there is a high concentration of air and boat traffic and uncertain weather.

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12y ago

Not everyone who passes through the Bermuda Triangle die, but they simply goes through unharmed.

Unfortunetly, not all people luckily pass through unharmed, so they die and the next person who sees them might see a pile of dust or a skeleton.

So some lucky people live and most unlucky people die.

The answer seems to be a yes and a no.

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14y ago

Kind of. Because storms take them away, but they don't dissolve or anything like that. It's just like lost.

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Q: Do things really disappear in the Bermuda triangle?
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Why is Bermuda known as the Twilight Zone?

mainly because of the Bermuda Triangle where things are known to disappear.

Where do ships go if the disappear in the Bermuda triangle?

because humans unlike many things on this earth do silly things for the thrill, or simply to ship things that we don't really need

What causes the Bermuda triangle to suck in things?

It isn't. The Bermuda Triangle is a made-up mystery; you are no more likely to vanish there than any other piece of ocean... or you can bet the insurance companies would forbid travel in the danger zone. If you are really interested in how the Bermuda Triangle Hoax got started, there's a book called "The Bermuda Triangle Mystery-Solved" by Larry Kusche.

Does the Bermuda triangle ever get full at the bottom?

The Bermuda triangle is in the middle of the ocean, right there between the Caribbean and the Atlantic. It is full of water but that is about it. We can not fill that sea up with anything. And if you are asking about things that disappear there then it has only been like so many dozens of ships and planes; barely enough to fill a giant warehouse.

How was the Bernuda triangle Formed?

The Bermuda Triangle doesn't actually exist as a triangle, any more than selecting three different locations on the surface of the Earth and calling them a triangle.The Bermuda Triangle is an area where (supposedly) strange things happen (but don't really), so I suppose the correct answer is: the Bermuda Triangle was formed by someone looking to make a quick buck by selling fanciful stories to a gullible public.

When did the Bermuda Triangle legend began?

scientists think that the bermuda triangle began when dinosaurs were there they think that aliens used it to take the things present in the triangle to there own planet to research .

What is the cause behind Bermuda triangle?

a lot of things happen

How many things went to Bermuda triangle?

Countless things have gone through the Bermuda triangle, not many have come out in one piece due to mysterious unexpected storms and strange dissappearances.

When you can only find one sock where does the other go?

They go to the Bermuda Triangle, along with all your other lost things. Thats " Bermuda Triangle "

How is maths and Bermuda triangle related?

The Bermuda triangle is imaginary lines drawn from Miami, to Puerto Rico, to Bermuda, and passes over part of the Bahamas. All of these inclusive countries teach math in their schools.

Does Bermuda triangle really exists?

Yes and no. There is a geographic area which is referred to as "the Bermuda triangle" (though only unofficially). However, the stories about ships and planes (and other things) disappearing are greatly exaggerated and not statistically different than anywhere else on earth.

Where do things go from the Bermuda triangle?

they are trapped into a pack of clouds from which it is extremely to get out