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13y ago

Ships need more ballast in the ocean because the salt helps keep them a float. So ships need less ballast in the Great Lakes. In the ocean the salt allows the ships to float easier so they might tip on their side, that's why they need ballast, so they don't tip over and the ballast is any substance that acts as a weight and alters buoyancy of a vehicle such as a ship, submarine, or hot air balloon. Such as sand bags on hot air balloons.


Marks are painted on the sides of ships which indicates the draught levels to which a ship may be loaded with cargo for varying conditions of season and location. This is called the Plimsoll Mark. The basis is that both salinity and temperature can impact the density of water. There are six loading levels:

  • tropical fresh wate
  • fresh water
  • tropical sea wate
  • summer, sea water
  • winter, sea water
  • winter, North Atlantic,
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Q: Do ships in the great lakes need more or less ballast than ocean going ships?
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The Saint Lawrence Seaway is a major waterway that links the great lakes with the Atlantic Ocean.

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The Saint Lawrence Seaway is a major waterway that links the great lakes with the Atlantic Ocean.

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No. The waterway is a manmade construction along the course of the St. Lawrence River, through which the Great Lakes empty into the North Atlantic Ocean. The waterway's purpose is to deepen the channel for ocean-going vessels and to provide hydroelectric power. The Great Lakes have no natural link to the Mississippi River.

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Can you sail a boat from Michigan to Florida?

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