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I'm not sure but there was a seahorse found in the Thames river in London. Check out the BBC article.

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8y ago

Seahorses are marine animals and live in the sea.

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Q: Do seahorses live in rivers
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In what plants do seahorses live in the ocean?

seahorses do not live in plants.

What habitat do seahorses have?

Seahorses live in the sea.

What types of seahorses and where they live?

i guess they live in the sea and there are many types of seahorses

Does seahorses live in the ocean or lake?

Seahorses live in saltwater, so they are found in the ocean.

Are seahorses in the oceans?

Yes, seahorses live in oceans and seas.

Where are seahorses at?

seahorses live in almost every ocean. they live in the most deep part of the ocean.

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wear seahorses live

Do seahorses live near Portugal?

Seahorses can be found anywhere in the sea . But they live in the deep sea not the shores.

What kind of fish can be in the same tank as dwarf seahorses?

Seahorses cannot live with other types of fish because seahorses are slow feeders and can't get their share of food before the other fish eat it all. Seahorses can live with other seahorses,though!

In what region do pygmy seahorses live?

Pygmy seahorses live in tropical regions where coral is plentiful. Pygmy seahorses enjoy warmer waters when compared to their larger cousins.

How do seahorses live?


What do male seahorses do?

They live