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dolphins are mammels like us, they have babys and the babys nurse from the mothers.

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Q: Do river dolphans lay eggs or make babies?
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No, Because fish don't have the baby's right away they make eggs. Then the eggs hatch and then they become baby fish.

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To make more babies

Can dolphins make eggs?

Yes or else all the dolphins would not be here so the have babies

How your river form?

Well, pretty simple, its how you make babies, like your mom's vagina.

How did dinosaurs make babies?

They mated like modern birds and some reptiles. Dinosaurs laid eggs, which had leathery eggshells. Some species of dinosaurs nursed their babies after hatching, some species let them hang out to dry after laying eggs.

How do you make a hamster have babies on her own?

It is impossible for a mammal to have babies without having a male and female involved. That's called sex and you must have sperm and eggs to make a baby.

Does alligator laid eggs on land?

Alligators make a nest from rotting leaves and dirt beside the water. They usually stay nearby while the eggs are in the nest. When the babies hatch, they make peeping noises, and the mother alligator digs them up and carries them to the water. Alligators actually make very good mothers, and care for their babies for several weeks until the babies can survive on their own.

Why do adults have babies yet do not lay eggs how many origins of speaces can there be?

If natural selection is correct, judging by your spelling of 'babies' and 'species' you don't have long left, just make the most of it.