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Meerkats can survive in the desert because of the food supply there. Meerkats eat bugs, like beetles, centipedes, millipedes, and other gross bugs. Also, if it gets too hot, there are trees waiting to give them shade. At night, many predators are out and it is very cold, so mmerkats huddle together in an underground burrow to keep warm.

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14y ago
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8y ago

Yes, meerkats live in the Kalahari Desert, a hot desert.

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Max C

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2y ago

they give off heat

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What conditions do meerkats need to survive?

hot desert type of place with lots of bugs by AP

Which desert has the most meerkats?

Meerkats live in all parts of the Kalahari Desert in Botswana and in much of the Namib Desert in Namibia.

What desert do meerkats come from?

The Kalahari Desert

How does a meerkat adapt the desert?

Meerkats are perfect animals to be living in a desert. Meerkats have a hard time keeping their body temperature at a suitable rate, so they rely on the warm temperatures of the desert. The dark circles around meerkats' eyes are like sunglasses, being that a meerkat can look almost directly into the sun to look for predators. Meerkats also don't need a lot of water, which is a good thing when you live in a desert.

What desert is home to meerkats?

Kalahari Desert, Southern Africa.

How do meerkats react to the climate in the desert?

Meerkats are perfect animals to be living in a desert. Meerkats have a hard time keeping their body temperature at a suitable rate, so they rely on the warm temperatures of the desert. The dark circles around meerkats' eyes are like sunglasses, being that a meerkat can look almost directly into the sun to look for predators. Meerkats also don't need a lot of water, which is a good thing when you live in a desert.

Do meerkats live in Savannah?

no they live in more of a desert area

In what desert would you find most meerkats?

Meerkats live in all parts of the Kalahari Desert in Botswana, in much of the Namib Desert in Namibia and southwestern Angola, and in South Africa.

Is a meercat found in the Australian Desert?

No, meerkats are native to the Kalhari Desert.

What is a consumer of the Kalahari Desert?

Meerkats are one consumer in the Kalahari Desert.

Where do meerkats in Meerkat Manor live?

The meerkats in Meerkat Manor live in the Kalahari Desert in Africa.

Do meerkats live in the Sahara desert?

No they cannot. They depend on the desert to live.