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only a certain kind of deer lives in a rainforest.


In rainforest biomes around the world there are small deer: African duikers, Amazonian brocket deer, and Malaysian muntjacs or Indian chevrotains. These are equivalent small-bodied, hooved browsers/grazers filling the same niche in each forest.

They look and behave similarly because they CONVERGED on common feeding strategies to survive in a rainforest niche. Despite taxonomic dissimilarity they each evolved similar adaptations to efficiently survive under similar conditions (they are similar despite NOT being from closely related families).

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15y ago

Yes. But they may not look like deers that you have seen. They are usually smaller and without large antlers.

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Q: Do deer live in rainforest
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What kind of deer live in the rainforest?

One type of deer that live in the rainforest is the white-tailed deer. Red Brocket deer, or Brockets, are another type of deer living in the rainforest.

What does rainforest deers eat?

The deer that live in the rainforest will eat leaves and grasses that are found there. This is because deer are herbivores.

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they're some deers in the rainforest but not as many as the ones n the woods!.

Do deer live in the rainforests?

No, deer live in deciduous forests. But none live in the rainforest. Most deer live on the open planes but there are some spices of deer that do inhabit rainforests.

Is a deer a rainforest animal?

no its not

Are there any deer in the Amazon?

Yes. The entire Amazon is rainforest. Amazon deer have a range that is far from being outside the phylogeographical limits of amazonia.

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Does deer live in the tropical rainforest?

Some species of deer, like the sambar deer, can be found in tropical rainforests in regions such as Southeast Asia and parts of Africa. However, not all species of deer are adapted to live in this type of habitat.

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Some mice that can be found in the tropical rainforest include the deer mouse, spiny mouse, and the various species of pygmy mice. These mice have adapted to thrive in the humid and diverse environment of the rainforest.

What eats deer in the rainforest?

In the rainforest, deer can be eaten by predators such as jaguars, cougars, and anacondas. These animals are all carnivores that rely on deer and other prey for their survival.

Do rinos live in rainforest?

no rhinos do not live in rainforest.

What do men wear in the rainforest?

Deer skin