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No. Adult corals are sessile organisms, i.e. they don't move around. They are tiny organisms whose shells are what we generally see. Some species build the large structures we call reefs. The reef can't be said to eat at all, and it certainly does't go off and gobble up another one. The tiny polyps which are inside the shells eat various things, but mostly zooplankton.

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โˆ™ 9y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

There are some species of corals that do eat other corals. they extend their polyps and can digest the coral that is next to it. it is one of the many competitive strategies that exist. it is NOT why they are going extinct, that would be because human interference has made corals more susceptible to disease and bleaching.

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Q: Do coral reefs feed on each other?
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Do coral reefs have soil?

Coral reefs do not have soil. They are formed from the skeletons of coral polyps, which build up over time to create a hard, rocky structure called a reef. The substrate on which coral reefs grow is typically made of limestone or other rocky materials, not soil.

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many different kinds. they help feed many different animals. and keep the water clean

Do fishes feed on coral reef?

Yes, because it is state on the book that coral reefs is for shelter, protection,and food for organisms that live oceans

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While most starfish feed primarily on mollusks, there are some varieties that prefer other invertebrate animals including hard corals. The crown of thorns starfish has fed on large portions of the coral reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific region.

Are stingray omnivore?

yes because they feed on small fish such as plankton and plants such as coral reefs.

Is coral reef a plankton or a nekton?

Coral reefs are benthos, or bottom-dwellers. Benthos live anywhere on the ocean floor, and filter feed. Coral reefs are made from calcium, take long to form, and are home to many species. They are actually sort of in their own category.

Why coral reefs are important to fishing and tourism?

Coral reefs should be conserved for several reason.One is to prevent some marine species from extinction.Furthermore,coral reefs are an important source of nutrition and livelihood for many.Conserving reefs also contributes to the economy of fishermen as the yield for marine reserves are encouraging.Besides that,coral reefs help to maintain the habitats of many marine species by facilitating the growth of mangrove swamps and seagrasses.Reefs also helps to prevent shoreline erosion.Corals are also valuable as potentiol sources for medicines.Finally,coral reefs have the potential to increase the income generated from eco-tourism. Coral reefs are some of the oldest and most diverse ecosystems on our planet. They are one of the ocean's main nurseries and feeding grounds for fish and invertebrates, provide natural storm barriers for coastlines, and are a potential source for novel pharmaceuticals. Throughout their range, coral reefs are dying due to human influences. These negative influences induce stress and increase diseases in these populations. This lecture will cover the threats to coral reefs globally and why local coral reef loss is important to Puerto Rico.

How would biodiversity be affected if coral died?

If corals were to die off, it would have a significant impact on marine biodiversity. Corals provide habitat and food for a wide range of marine species, so their loss would disrupt entire ecosystems. This ripple effect could lead to the decline of many other species that depend on coral reefs for survival.

What parot fish eat?

Parrotfish primarily feed on algae, coral, and small invertebrates. They use their beak-like teeth to scrape algae off rocks and coral, playing a vital role in maintaining the health of coral reefs.

Research how coral reefs are formed. What types of animals live there What important roles do cnidarians play in coral reefs How do the tiny animals get their food How do algae help the corals?

Coral reefs are formed in shallow, warm, and clear bodies of water, such as oceans and seas, where the ocean temperatures are consistently between 64 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. The reefs are formed by tiny creatures known as cnidarians, or โ€œstinging cellsโ€. These organisms are filled with stinging cells that they use to capture prey. Coral reefs are home to a variety of animals including fish, mollusks, crustaceans, and sea turtles. These animals take shelter in the coral and feed on the nutrients available in the reef. Cnidarians play an important role in coral reefs as they provide food for the other animals. They also help keep the coral clean by consuming the dead material in the reef. Cnidarians get their food by catching tiny crustaceans and other small organisms, as well as by consuming the microscopic plankton that is present in the reef. Algae also help the corals by providing them with essential nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, which are necessary for the growth of the coral. Algae also provide oxygen, which helps keep the coral healthy. Additionally, algae help to keep the reef environment stable by absorbing excess carbon dioxide and nutrients that can be harmful to the coral.