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Q: Did the amazon river once flow the opposite direction?
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What is the direction opposite the flow of a river toward the source of a river or stream?

Upstream or up river

What is the Direction opposite of the flow of a river toward the source of a river or stream?

Upstream or up river

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The Nile river flows in the opposite direction of the Euphrates and Tigris river.

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in which direction does the river Shannon flow?

What flow is equal to and opposite of electron flow?

The "flow of current" is considered to be in the opposite direction.

Which river does the amazon river flow into?

The Amazon river flows into the Amazon estuary, which leads out to the Atlantic Ocean.

Does river Narmada flow through chhattisgarh?

No it does not, the river orginates from Amarkantak (MP) and flows towards mandla which is exactly in the opposite direction of Chhatisgarh state.

What is backflush?

to redirect flow in opposite direction of normal flow

What are some questions to ask about the Amazon River?

what countries does the amazon river flow through? When did the Amazon river form? Where is the mouth of the river? Where is the amazon river basin located? Where is the Amazon river located? Who was the first person to discover the Amazon river?

What is the name of the river with the greatest river flow in the world?

Amazon River.