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Q: Did rose really throw the heart of the ocean necklace from cal into the ocean?
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Related questions

Why did rose drop the necklace in the ocean?

She dropped the Heart of the Ocean back into the water because she had it the entire time and she wanted to put where it belonged- the Titanic.

Why does rose in titanic throw the diamond in the ocean?

Rose threw the Heart of the Ocean into the sea because she wants to let go of the person she was and become a new person. She associates the necklace with her lost love.

What should you wear with a casual black shirt?

Jeans and boots. Maybe throw on a necklace that would pop and matching earrings (to match the necklace)

What happens when people throw away trash in the ocean?

it pollutes the ocean.

what is the secret to a mans heart?

throw a mans belly

Is it against the law to throw trash in the ocean?

Of course it is!

In supernatural why did dean throw his necklace away?

Dean threw away his necklace for a number of reasons. 1: he thought it was useless. 2: he was angry with sam, and 3: he sort of lost hope and did not believe anymore.

What ocean did they throw natalee holloway in?

they threw her in the Caribbean sea

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How do you stop ocean acidification?

crack open lots of eggs and throw them in the ocean. OR the more blood in the ocean, the less acidic it is :) youre welcome

What are whirling beetles?

Armoured bugs that get really dizzy then throw up Armoured bugs that get really dizzy then throw up

Why do they throw waste in the ocean?

well there is a very simple answer to that and that is because they are idiots