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Q: Did natives grow crops in San Gabriel?
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What type of animals live in san gabriel?

the animals that live in san gabriel are cattle and sheep also, there can be more that could live in san gabriel also,the crops that they grow in san gabriel are wheat,beans,corn,and vineyards these are the crops and,animals that live in san gabriel tese are as much as i can think of there might be moretese are the only food that the people from san gabriel you can see these are some intresting facts about animals and farming that is in san gabriel written by;giovanna zaragoza zorayda farming and, animals

Who took care of the lifestock on Mission San Gabriel?

The padres and the natives.

What crops were grown and what animals were raised at the San Gabriel Mission?

Some of the crops grown at the San Gabriel Mission were beans, corn, grapes, and olives. Some animals raised at the mission were chickens, cattle, and sheep.

What did mission san gabriel produce?

corn and beans

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Umm corn i think

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They were necessary to grow crops

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Grains I guess.

What foods did the woman make with the crops Mission San Gabriel glad to be there?

Who knows y hahaahahahahahahah :)

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Mission San Gabriel is a Franciscan Mission established by Father Junipero Serra on Sept 8, 1771 near the present town of Montebello in California. Father Pedro Cambón and Father Joseph de la Somera assisted in the founding of the Mission. Mission San Gabriel was one of the wealthiest missions of the time. In it were planted crops of wheat, beans, corn, and vineyards. The missionaries also raised cattle and sheep. Most of the soap and candles used in other missions were made in Mission San Gabriel.

What are jobs at san francisco de asis?

they grow crops and more

What crops are grown at san gabriel arcangel?

my face was a crop at the san gabriel arcangel