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Q: Did elisha or Elijah part the Jordan river?
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What bald prophet was the performer of many miracles and the successor to another great prophet?

A:The Bible says that Elisha was the successor to Elijah. The description of Elisha as bald comes from the story in which he called upon God to kill 42 little children who had laughed at his bald head (2 Kings 2:23-24). The children were immediately mauled by bears. Elijah and Elisha were both experts at performing magic tricks or trivial miracles. For his friend, Elijah converted an ordinary cake into one that never grew smaller as it was eaten and, in contrived circumstances, resuscitated her apparently dead son, an event that is described in exact detail in spite of the lack of witnesses. Elisha made a pot of oil into one that never emptied, no matter how much was poured from it (2 Kings 4:3-7). Later, just as the woman friend in whose home Elijah was staying had accused Elijah of bringing evil that caused the death of her son, so a woman friend in whose home Elisha often stayed, accused him of deceiving her, after her son had died. And just as Elijah lay on top of the son to revive him, so Elisha lay on top of the other son to revive him (2 Kings 4:28-35). Both prophets struck the River Jordan with a stick, causing the waters to part, thereby avoiding the inconvenience of needing to cross in a boat. If Elisha really was Elijah's successor, he was also his imitator.

Which river forms much of the border between Israel and Jordan?

The Jordan River. There is a small part of the Jordan River north of the West Bank that was part of the Israeli-Jordanian border. This has been greatly expanded since the Six-Day War of 1967, when Israel occupied the West Bank territory and acquired a much longer stretch of the Jordan River. Prior to that war the West Bank was part of Jordan & Jerusalem was a divided city. The Jordan River forms a large part of that international boundary (between Israel-West Bank and Jordan. South of the Dead Sea, the Israeli-Jordanian border follows the Wadi Arabah valley.

What part of the Jordan River was Jesus Christ baptised in?

Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan. (Which today marks the border between Israel and (Trans)Jordan)

What forms the border between Israel and Jordan?

The Jordan River. There is a small part of the Jordan River north of the West Bank that was part of the Israeli-Jordanian border. This has been greatly expanded since the Six-Day War of 1967, when Israel occupied the West Bank territory and acquired a much longer stretch of the Jordan River. Prior to that war the West Bank was part of Jordan & Jerusalem was a divided city. The Jordan River forms a large part of that international boundary (between Israel-West Bank and Jordan. South of the Dead Sea, the Israeli-Jordanian border follows the Wadi Arabah valley.

Who parted the waters in the Bible?

A:Three Old Testament characters: Moses (the Red Sea), Joshua (Jordan River) and Elijah (Jordan River).A:God through Moses.Jewish answer:The Torah states that God parted the Sea of Reeds (Exodus 14:21). Moses merely gave a visible sign that God was about to part the sea. This is why God, not Moses, is praised in the song that the Israelites sang after the parting of the sea (Exodus ch.15).

What countries are east of Jerusalem?

Syria is east of the northern part of the Jordan River and Jordan is east of the Jordan River from the southern end of Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee)

Who are Moses and Elijah?

They were two of the Israelite prophets in the First Temple era.More information:The Israelite prophets were extremely learned and pious individuals, both men and women, whose superlative level of piety merited them with visions from God. They had to be humble, yet speak with authority. They had to love their people, yet not hesitate to rebuke with caustic words if commanded to by God. (See: Why did the Prophets rebuke? And see: Why did some people not listen to them?)The prophets were called upon by God to guide the people and to guide the king. While the king had authority in national matters of state, and the Sanhedrin (Sages) had say in Torah-rulings and halakha (law), the prophets spoke in matters of ethics, of belief, of loyalty to God, and behavior. They rebuked the people at God's command, they predicted events which God revealed to them, they taught through Divine inspiration, and they provided optimism and hope with the prophecies of eventual Redemption.Some of the prophetical chapters (or books) detail Israelite history and past events, some exhort the people to improve their spiritual level, some predict events and/or warn (especially concerning the First Destruction), some serve to comfort the nation, some speak of prayer and love of God, and some speak of life, experience and wisdom.See also:A list of the Israelite prophetsWhy did prophecy end?History of the Hebrew BibleJewish history timeline

What did God part according to the Hebrew Bible?

The Red Sea (Exodus 14) and the Jordan River (Joshua 3).

What mountainous area that is controlled by Israel that overlooks the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee was once a part of Syria?

Golan Heights

What is the depth of river Jordan?

The data seems to be unanimous that the depth of the Jordan is 2 to 10 feet, and up to a maximum of 17 feet in part.

Where is the location of jesus's baptisim?

Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, at a part near near Qasr al-Yahud on the West Bank (Israel).

Is there any historical significance for the name Jordan?

Absolutely! In essence, the significance comes from the Jordan river which separates the nation of Jordan from Israel. This is the river in which John the Baptist baptized Jesus as he commenced his public ministry throughout the region. The given name, however, was popularized by Crusaders returning home from the Crusades having carried water they drew from the Jordan river to christen their children and name them after the holy river as an homage to their faith. It died out of popularity as a name hundreds of years ago, but really went through a revival in the late part of the 20th century and into the 21st.