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Moses received the ten commandments after the parting of the red sea. It was the next miracle that took place following that incident.
Not directly after, but yes, chronologically Moses did receive them after parting the red sea.

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Q: Did Moses receive the Ten Commandments after parting the Red Sea?
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first of all, i don't understand ur question. Moses was told by God to let the slaves out of Egypt. when Moses and the slaves reached the end of the red sea, moses went up Mount Siana to receive the 10 commandments which later became part of the Jewish bible.

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Moses is famous for leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt during the Exodus and receiving the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai.

How is Moses and Ten Commandments related?

Moses was chosen by God to lead the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt. After they had left and crossed the Red Sea they traveled to Mount Sinai. Then God told Moses to come up the Mount alone and there God gave Moses the Ten Commandments written on two stone tablets to take down to the children of Israel. The children of Israel was the Hebrew people (Exodus, chapters 3-32).

What does parting of the red sea represent?

the land around the sea are red

What is Red Sea?

the red sea is a sea that borders Saudi Arabia to the east of Egypt to the west and it the place where Moses led the slaves to freedom while walking through the water. (in christian religion and the ten commandments)