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No. When he died he gave his money to his nephew. All the money went to the Smithsonian Museum for it to be built.

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Q: Did James Smithson have kids
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When was James Smithson born?

James Smithson was born in 1764.

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What is James Smithson famous for?

James Smithson was an Englishman who researched geology, chemistry, and mineralogy. He is most known as the founding donor of the Smithsonian Institute.

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Who is the Smithsonian Institution named after?

James Smithson started with all of the money then in his will gave it to his nephew (Henry James Hungerford) and said that if Henry did not have any heirs to give his money to, then Henry's money would go to the United States government for some sort of increasing of knowledge of people. However, James Smithson never set foot in the United States! The sum of money that was given to the governent was $500,000 but today would be worth $10,100,977!

Did James Smithson visit the US?

44 times

Who is Smithsonian institute named for?

A guy named James Smithson (who actually never set foot in the U.S; he lived in France) wrote in a will that his nephew was to have 500,000 with the idea that he would pass it on to his children and so forth. If the nephew never had children the U.S. got the money. James Smithson died three years later, and his nephew died six years later without any children. Then the U.S. got the money and built a museum named after Smithson. No one knows why James Smithson wrote the money to the U.S.

How many times did James Smithson visit the US?


What did James smithson's philanthropy result?

the Smithsonian Institution, our national museum

In what did James smithson's philanthropy results?

The Smithsonian Museum

Who made the smithsoneon?

James Smithson's nephew is the one who founded the Smithsonian Institution. James Smithson died in 1829 and left his money to his nephew. The nephew died in 1935 and willed the money to the US to found the Smithsonian.

How many times did James smithson visit the us prior?

He never visit U.S.