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we canot hear because sound travel in waves. on moon there is no atmosphere

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Q: Can you hear the sound of meteorite falling on moon?
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Can you hear the sound of a meteorite falling on moon from earth?

No. Sound won't travel through empty space.There has to be a medium of some kind to conduct sound. Air or something else.

If a meteorite crashed on the moon would you beable to hear it on earth?

no because sound does not exist in space

Would you be able to hear a meteorite if it crashed on the moon from earth?

No you would not be able to hear a meteorite hit the moon because in order to hear sound, sound waves must travel through some kind of physical material, which we call the 'medium'. The medium we're most accustomed to is air, but sound also travels quite well through wood, metal, rock, etc. Space contains no air and no other material at all, so there's no medium that sound waves can travel through. For the same reason, you couldn't hear a meteorite landing on the moon even if you were standing right next to it on the moon. Also, if an average meteorite hits the Earth more than a few miles from where you're standing, you can't hear that either.

Why can we not hear anything on the moon?

on the moon there is no air sound travels through air

Suppose you and your friend are on moon will you be able to hear any sound produced by your friend?

No, sound cannot travel through the vacuum of space, so you would not be able to hear any sound your friend makes on the moon. Sound requires a medium, such as air, to travel through, and the moon does not have an atmosphere like Earth.

How can you pick up the meteorite in Mount Moon?

The meteorite in Mt. Moon cannot be picked up.

What does the moon sound like?

The moon does not make any sound as there is no medium for sound to travel in space. Any sound you hear associated with the moon in media or movies is purely fictional.

Why you cannot hear any sound in moon?

Because it is in space, and their isnt really sound in space

Why you can't hear sound on moon?

because you're in outer space

Why is sound on earth?

Because we can hear it. The medium air can tranport the sound. In a vacuum like on the moon that is not possible.

Why would you not hear if the moon blew up?

Because there is no medium to transmit the sound.

Why can't you hear someone shouting from the moon?

Sound requires a medium such as air to travel through. There is no air on the moon or in the space between Earth and the moon, and thus nothing to carry the sound.