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No there's no such thing as a sea tomato in the English language, but it is a sea anenome near Mallorca. The jury is still out as to whether or not it is edible. Please see the related link below!

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Q: Can you eat sea tomato
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How to eat tomato’s?

Eat them

Does squirrel eat tomato?

it depends of the tomato

Can a turtle eat a round tomato?

Try it. Get a turtle and a round small tomato and see if the turtle can eat the round tomato.

Should you eat a tomato after a chipmunk ate a piece?

Find another tomato to eat.

What are facts about sea tomato?

A Sea Tomato is a type of shrub that produces pink flowers throughout the year. The Sea Tomato, also called the Rose Rugosa is also known for a high vitamin c content.

What can you eat with a tomato?

salt, mozarrella slices and basil, risotto or just eat a plain tomato

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Only a certain type of caterpillar called a horned tomato caterpillar.

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no they can not eat tomato.

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Eat a lemon, get your lemon to eat pie first, but before that get your pie to eat a squished tomato BUT before that squish your tomato!

How many people eat a cheese and tomato toastie?

I guess on the average 10million people eat cheese and tomato toastie