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Yes as it's all connected but its rare and you would have to have something serious or infectious for it to travel that far. Often the bacteria that cause bad breath and ulcers, can travel into the nasal passage causin irritation and kill the sinus hairs, meaning you have no sense of smell - similar to when you get a cold

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Q: Can a dental problem cause a sinus problem?
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Can a sinus infection cause legs and arms to tingle?

A sinus infection can cause the legs and arms to tingle, but in most cases it is a sign of a different problem.

Which insurance do you use for the patch of a sinus cavity Health or dental?

Dental insurance plan

Can long term asbestos exposure cause chronic sinus problem?

Asbestos is associated with a number of very severe chronic health problems but chronic sinus problems is not among them.

Why does a person have a chronic sinus problem?

Go to google and type in Chronic Sinus Problem. There is a TON of info there.

Would a sinus and or ear infection cause a blackish stool?

No blackish stool is a problem related to intestine I don't think they are related

Does sinus becomes a death cause?

In health, be sure you are talking about the correct "sinus" The heart has a sinus, so please be specific about which sinus you are referring to.

Can sinus pressure cause lack of sleep?

Yes, Chronic sinus can cause sleppiness at mid after noon. Especially If you have Sphenoid sinus infection, then you will get sleepiness at afternoon and tiredness.

What is the natural treatment for sinus problem?

A sterile salt or seawater flush can be used to help unblock the sinus'.Also the adenoids are often removed as these often are the root cause of sinusitus.If infected, the sinuses are treated with anti biotics.

What causes face and nose bones to ache?

This could be a sinus problem, or even a sinus infection. The pressure of the sinus congestion can definitely cause this type of pain. But since there are other causes of facial pain, you need to see your doctor of sinus medications don't help relieve the pain.

Can rotting teeth cause sinus infections?

Yes! Rotting teeth (specially the upper teeth) can cause sinus infections. The roots of upper teeth lie just below the sinus cavity. When once becomes infected it can cause abscesses in the sinus cavities.

Can sinusitis cause vertigo?

Sinus infection does not cause dizziness.

Will sinus pressure cause eye tooth pain?

Absolutely, yes. If the toothache is from an infection, the infection can cause inflammation and swelling which can then compress the sinus passages causing "sinus pressure". A dental infection can spread to the sinus and then to the brain.See a professional, soon.Good luck.Yes, toothache is related to a sinus problem than a tooth problem. it is tooth pain caused by an inflammation of the maxillary sinus, which are air filled cavities inside the human skull, lined with a mucous membrane. These types of infections usually go away with time, but some severe and persistent cases require antibiotics. Sinus infections may make it difficult to maintain dental