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Yes, there are a number of species of shark that live near the coral reef. There is even a black tip reef shark.

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Yes, but many have been slaughtered for their fins.

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yes there are

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Q: Are there sharks in the coral sea?
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What are the marine resources that found in the Sulu Sea?

Coral and sharks.

Animals that live in a coral reef?

Sea anenomes, Coral, Clown fish, eels such as the Moray, Groupers (AKA Sea Bass), and Reef sharks live in the coral reef zone.

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Fish, sharks, crocodiles, coral many marine animals.

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Sponge, Fish, Sharks, Octopus, Coral and MUCH MUCH more

What are the marine resources that can be found in the Sulu Sea?

Some great Coral Reefs and a wide variety of sharks.

What live in coral reefs?

Coral reefs provide homes for many kinds of fish and other sea creatures. Some of the things that live in coral reefs are fish, sea anemones, sharks, eels, octopi, and sea urchins.

Animals that live in coral reefs?

Yes! Sharks and whales! Not that hard to find out.

Has brain coral been around as long as sharks have?

The answer to that is no. When sharks where first sited there was only coral, brain coral was not devopled then.

What are some animals that live on coral reefs?

There are many different kinds of animals in coral reefs and I couldn't possibly list them all here, but the general categories are: exotic fish, sea mammals (otters, sharks, dolphins, etc), turtles, and, of course, coral.

Which is deeper the coral sea or Caribbean sea?

It's the coral

Why are there less coral reefs?

Some fish eat coral along with clumsy sharks or whales. The greatest source are humans,who take corals because they look pretty or because the polluting of the sea causes coral to die off.

What are the animals in the coral reefs?

Coral reef animals are those animals that benefit from the dense colony for safety and camouflage. Shrimp, lobsters and crabs, as well as sea snakes, sea turtles and many fish are habitants of many reefs.