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No, there is only one nile river, and it's in Africa.

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Q: Are there more than one nile river?
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What is the biggest river in Egypt?

Egypt has only one river - the river Nile, the longest river in the world.

How is the Nile river in Nubia different from the Nile river in Egypt?

The river in Nubia is different from the one in Egypt because the Nile River in Nubia is not to smooth as the Nile River in Egypt.

What is one explanation of the location to the Nile River Valley?

The river Nile.

What are the name of the three main rivers in Egypt?

The answer is the Nile River.AnswerThe only flowing river in Egypt is the Nile river. Best AnswerThe NILE River is the only river in Egypt. The NILE can also be split up into two "sectors" -> the Blue and White Niles. we can not however regard these tow as Egyptian rivers, as they are not located inside Egypt. (take this for granted from an Egyptian native)

What major river is in Ancient Egypt?

the major river systems have to do with the Nile river. the Nile river provided transportation, water, and also allowed agriculture to take place. Also Nile river was the reason why Egypt is called "the gift of the Nile."

Is the Nile River located at an elevation greater than 4000 meters?

No - One of its sources, the White Nile, has an elevation of 2,700 meters.

The Nile River is the basis of life in?

The Nile River is the basis of life in Africa. The Nile River is one of Egypt's most life-giving sources.

Which one is the longest river in the world-?

The Nile River in Egypt is the longest river in the world.

Do the The Blue Nile and the White Nile form the nile river?

Yes it is broken up into the white Nile and the blue Nile

What is around the Nile delta?

The Nile Delta is the delta formed in Northern Egypt where the Nile River spreads out and drains into the Mediterranean Sea - it is one of the world's largest river deltas and the links below will give you more information.

How many rivers does Egypt have?

Egypt has only one river - the river Nile.

How was the river Nile formed?

The Nile River was formed by water constantly on top of the ground. it created a ditch and the water filled it up, but to be more specific, the Nile River was formed by the Blue Nile and the White Nile.