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Much of them are a mix.

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Q: Are the Rocky Mountains deciduous or coniferous?
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Is a weeping willow deciduous or coniferous?

Deciduous. Coniferous trees have cones.

Is poison oak is deciduous or coniferous?

deciduous because coniferous is evergreens

Is trembling aspen deciduous or coniferous?

it's deciduous....

What is the difference between a coniferous animal and a deciduous animal?

There is no such thing as a coniferous animal or a deciduous animal. Coniferous and deciduous are kinds of trees, not kinds of animals.

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Is it deciduous or coniferous?

A Tamarack is deciduous.

Is a honey locust a deciduous or coniferous?

A honey locust is a deciduous tree, meaning it sheds its leaves annually in the fall. It is not a coniferous tree, which are typically evergreen and bear cones.

Are oak trees coniferous or deciduous?

They are deciduous.

What are three terms used to describe trees?

Deciduous, evergreen, coniferous.

Is the northern catalpa tree deciduous or coniferous?

Most types of Catalpa are deciduous. None are coniferous.

Is a spruce tree a coniferous or deciduous tree?
