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Yes, there are a variety of frogs, toads and salamanders that call the desert home. However, they are rarely seen as they spend almost the entire year underground and only emerge after heavy summer rains.

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Q: Are amphibians found in the desert?
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What amphibians that live in a desert biome?

There are several different amphibians that have adapted enough to survive in the desert. Most of the amphibians are frogs or toads of one kind or another.

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Sahara desert amphibians?


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SalamanderSahara FrogNorth African Water FrogNorth African Green FrogMoroccan Green FrogSalamanders and frogs are found in the Sahara Desert.

Which animals are vertebrates in the desert?

All reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals are desert vertebrates.

Are desert animals warm or cold blooded?

Arthropods such as spiders, scorpions, centipedes, insects, etc. are all cold blooded as well as all reptiles and amphibians found in the desert. There are also birds and mammals that live in the desert and they are warm blooded. The answer to your question is 'both.'

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amphibians are found in coral reefs they are found in in tiny oxygen holes of coral

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in the desert or the sea

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All insects, arachnids, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals that live in a desert are consumers. Only plants are producers.

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What are some amphibians that start with the letter O?

· Oregon Spotted Frog

How many desserts in the whole of Africa?

There are a total of 12 deserts in the region of Africa. Algerian Desert- found in Algeria Arabian Desert- stretched from Egypt to Iraq Blue Desert- found in Egypt Kalahari Desert- found in Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa Karoo- found in South Africa Libyan Desert- found in Libya Namib Desert- found in Namibia Nubian Dsert- found in Sudan Owami Desert- found in Nigeria Sahara Desert- largest desert in the world! Sinai Desert- found in Egypt White Desert- found in Egypt Hope this helps :D