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Q: An upwelling brings nutrients from the floor of the ocean to the surface?
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An upwelling brings nutrients from the floor of the ocean to the surface true or false?

True. Upwelling is a process where cold, nutrient-rich waters from the deep ocean rise to the surface, supporting the growth of phytoplankton and ultimately benefiting marine ecosystems.

What is the name of the process where rising cold water from deeper layers replaces warmer surface water?

The process is called upwelling. It occurs when winds push surface water away from the coast, which allows deeper, colder water to rise and replace the displaced water. Upwelling brings nutrients from the ocean floor to the surface, supporting marine life.

What is Cold water forced to th the surface by pressure?

Cold water forced to the surface by pressure is known as upwelling. Upwelling occurs when winds push surface water away from a coastline, causing deeper, colder water to rise and take its place. This process brings nutrients from the ocean floor to the surface, supporting the growth of phytoplankton and other marine life.

Why are upwelling areas usually very productive fishing areas?

Since upwelling displaces the warmer water with less or no nutrients (located on the ocean surface) with the colder water with more nutrients (located near ocean floor), upwelling water contains more nutrients. These nutrients come from dead or decaying organic matter on the ocean floor, which release nutrients like phosphate and nitrate. When these nutrients are brought up to the surface water, phytoplankton use these nutrients, along with energy from the sun, to perform photosynthesis and produce organic compounds.

What cold currents near coastlines might indicate sites of upwelling?

Cold currents near coastlines often indicate the presence of upwelling. This is because upwelling brings cold, nutrient-rich waters from the ocean depths to the surface, leading to colder surface currents. Some examples of cold currents near coastlines that are associated with upwelling include the California Current, the Benguela Current, and the Canary Current.

The rising of cold water from deeper layers to replace warmer surface water is called?

Streamlike movements of water that occur at or near the surface are called surface currents. So logically, a deep current are streamlike movements of water that flow very slowly along the ocean floor.

Sea mounts are deep cuts in the ocean floor?

Sea mounts are underwater mountains that rise from the ocean floor but do not break the surface. They are formed by volcanic activity or tectonic plate movement, and are often rich in marine life due to the upwelling of nutrients they provide. These underwater features can play important roles in ocean ecosystems and biodiversity.

What Are Upwelling currents?

Upwelling currents are oceanographic phenomena where cold, nutrient-rich water from the deep ocean rises to the surface. These currents play a crucial role in supporting marine ecosystems by promoting the growth of phytoplankton and increasing fish populations. Upwelling occurs in specific regions where surface waters are pushed away, allowing deeper waters to well up and take their place.

What is ocean upwelling?

Ocean upwelling is a process in which cold, nutrient-rich water from the deep ocean rises to the surface, usually along coastlines. This nutrient-rich water supports the growth of phytoplankton and other marine life, creating productive ecosystems that support fisheries. Upwelling plays a crucial role in the marine food chain and global carbon cycle.

Why does a floodplain contain fertile soil that is good for growing plants?

because when the water floods it carries the rich sediments of the water floor and brings them to the surface where it deposits

What are abotic factors in changing water depths?

The deeper the water gets the less light is available for photosynthesis, and you can imagine that with less photosynthesis taking place there is progressively less dissolved oxygen. Since nutrients are heavy (think decomposing animals) they tend to sink to the ocean floor where it is very nutrient rich. The closer to the surface the more nutrient poor you tend to be unless you are near a shore where tides may push nutrients up in what is called an upwelling. Upwellings are ussually seasonal and mix the distinct levels of the body of water.

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