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Q: A young river will usually be found to have steep banks and swift rapids that cause a lot of erosion true or false?
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A yound river will usually be found to have steep banks and swift rapids that cause a lot of erosion true or false?


How many rapids are in the Amazon River?

This is impossible to answer due to the issue of hydrodynamics. Rapids are constantly being gained and lost due to the action of the water's movement (erosion). Also, the rainy season would cause some of the smaller rapids to be covered.

What are feral animals doing to Australia?

they Ruin Australia's vegetation and may cause erosion near river banks

What could have caused a river to become wider?

If you mean how the river widens, the usually cause is erosion.

What works very rapidly with erosion?

An unusually rainy period can cause rivers to overflow their banks and flood the areas surrounding them. The erosion, caused by rivers, can happen very quick.

Can valleys cause erosion?

Yes, valleys can cause erosion. The flow of water through valleys can carve out the land, carrying away soil and rock particles. Additionally, glaciers moving through valleys can also contribute to erosion by grinding and transporting material.

Why do streams and rivers cause erosion?

They Create Deltas.

Erosion can cause what feature of a river?

Erosion of the river banks altering the course; deposition of gravel, sand and mud in calmer stretches; obstructing of the river mouth with sand-bars forming in the estuary and inshore.

How does weathering and erosion cause a river to meander?

Weathering and erosion weaken the outer banks of a river, causing them to erode more quickly than the inner banks. This leads to a gradual sideways shift in the direction of the river flow, creating meanders. Over time, the continued erosion and deposition processes along the bends of the river further accentuate its meandering shape.

How does a person cause soil erosion?

how does a person cause a soil erosion

Do tornadoes cause deposition?

No, tornadoes do not cause deposition. Tornadoes are mainly associated with erosion, as they can pick up and carry loose particles and debris within their strong winds. Deposition usually occurs when the wind slows down and drops these materials.

Does acid rain cause erosion?

There are several things that cause erosion, and acid rain is one of them.