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Q: 2 What river did Mexico believe was the proper border between Texas and Mexico?
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What river did Texas and the US believe was the proper border between Mexico and the US?

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What are the requirements for walking into Mexico from Yuma and back?

When crossing any border between the United States and Mexico, proper documentation is required. U.S. citizens will need a valid U.S. passport to enter Mexico. To enter the U.S. from Mexico, U.S. citizens will need a passport, enhanced driver's licenses, of trusted traveler card.

What river did Texas and US believe was the proper border between Mexico and Texas?

who led the first settlers in Texas

What happened when they reached the border at Mexicali?

When they reached the border at Mexicali, they were stopped by border officials for inspection. Their passports and travel documents were checked, and they were asked questions about their reason for traveling. Depending on the situation, they may have been allowed to pass through or detained for further questioning.

What type of noun is Mexico?

The noun Mexico is a singular, concrete, proper noun; the name of a specific place.

What is located between US and Guatemala?

Mexico is located between the United States and Guatemala.

Is border a proper noun?

No, "border" is not a proper noun. It is a common noun that refers to the line separating two areas or countries.

Is it illegal to bring fireworks to Mexico?

Yes, it is illegal to bring fireworks into Mexico without the proper permits. Violating these regulations could result in fines or other legal consequences. It is important to check the specific laws and regulations before attempting to bring fireworks into the country.

What kind of noun is Mexico?

Mexico is a proper noun.

Is New Mexico a proper noun?

Yes. New Mexico is a proper noun, the name of a specific place.

What is the proper adjective for Mexico?

Mexican is the proper adjective for Mexico. It is also the noun (demonym) for a native or resident of Mexico. In Spanish, the adjective form is mexicano and is not capitalized.

Is it illegal for Mexicans to be in the USA after crossing the border?

Mexico's poorer population is located near the border. Near it has a lot of easy jobs involving farming in the US. They grab all their things, do everything they can to support their family and jump the border. That is why Mexican hobos are awesome! Unlike other hobos, these don't sit and beg, they jump the border!