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Yes, the no smoking after a tooth is pulled is a precaution to prevent the now empty socket from bleeding from the sucking action of smoking.

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Q: Your toothe was pulled on Wednesday Can you smoke a cigar now?
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Can a dog smoke a cigar?

No a dog can't smoke a cigar.

What is the Cigar-smoke of a man?

A man smoking a cigar?

What is the smoke that escapes from the tip of a cigarette pipe or cigar?

It is 'sidestream' smoke.

If you smoke a cigar is it the same as 10 cigarettes?

There might be 4 times the tobacco. 4 cigarettes are worse for you than 1 cigar. Most people don't inhale cigar or pipe smoke, so it drastically decreases the chances of cancer of the lungs or throat, especially if it's only 1 cigar.

What cigar did Curtis Lemay smoke?


Can you smoke a cigar while taking ibuprofen?

Yes , a cigar can be smoked while taking ibuprofen .

What cigar does ron white smoke?

The cigar in his hand at the blue collar comedy tour is a Montecristo.

How many worms would it take to smoke a cigar?

None, as worms don't smoke......... :)

How do you smoke a Swisher Cigar?

It depends on what you mean by miniature cigar. A little cigar the size of a cigarette is smoked the same way a cigarette is smoked. A cigarillo, which is just a slimmed down version of a cigar, is usually already cut and ready to light. Hope it helps, enjoy your smoke...

What types energy is smoke?

smoke is not energy ... it is that smoke particles take way heat from the origin(cigar or something )...

How much smoke does the lumb take from a cigar?

You are not supposed to inhale a cigar. But even at that a small amount will enter the lungs.

Can you inhale cigar smoke?

Yes you can. It's not good for you. You won't like it. You do not need to inhale a good cigar to enjoy it.