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Some trace the tradition back to native Americans who gave the treasured gift of a cigar at the signs of child birth. It may have transfered into the American culture as a way to pass time in the days when the father was not present in the same room while the wife was in final labor.

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8y ago

Some do. It is a dying tradition. Back in the day, the expectant father would hand out cigars for his friends and family to smoke with him while he waits for his wife who is in labor in another room.

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In todays world, you might be better off with chocolate. This might change depending on your country.

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9y ago

Whichever you like. There are "It's a Girl!" cigars available.

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Q: Why is the tradition of giving out cigars out at a child's birth?
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Where did giving out cigars at a childs birth come from?

well... now at day's it's more common for Dad's to participate in the Birthroom, or even in the OR during a C-section at the hospital , but back in the days dad's use to wait outside in their houses and let mom do all the work on her own in one of the rooms of the house with the doctor or ... maybe she would be accompanied by her own mother or her mother in law... but men would wait outside... and since they were hanging out with probably their closed friends and relatives to celebrate the arrival of the new baby they would bring cigars to smoke meanwhile the birth was taking place, and it was a tradition to offer a cigar smoke to visitors in general ... & that's how the tradition began... :)

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Do new fathers still give cigars at the birth of a child?

yes they still pass out cigars. if it is a girl they pass out chocolates

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Where is the origin of new fathers passing out cigars?

This tradition dates back to the end of the 17th century when cigars were treasured because of their rareness and unavailability. Because of the preciousness of cigars in a household, the giving away of a cigar was considered to be a reflection of deep gratitude. Therefore , to honor the birth of a child, and specifically a son , a cigar was given , by those who could afford this gesture, to the friends of the family in celebration of the blessed event. The father would come out and let everyone know it was time to have a cigar. During this time-frame the arrival of a son was especially important because of that child's value to the father and to the village as a whole.

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In which nation started the tradition to give cigars when a male child is born?

* According to research it is difficult to trace where the tradition of handing out cigars after a baby was born. The elite (wealthy) smoked cigars for centuries: politicians, the wealthy families (even some women); and handing out cigars was also considered for engagements, weddings and not just for the birth of a baby. There are 'Cigar Clubs' because unlike cigarettes Cigars are considered to be similar to fine wines. Cuba has the best cigars according to statistics, but they have been banned in Canada at least. Wikipedia - Major U.S. print media portray cigars favorably; they generally frame cigar use as a lucrative business or a trendy habit, rather than as a health risk.[Rich people are often caricatured as wearing top hats and tails and smoking cigars. In the United States a poor-quality cigar is sometimes called a "dog rocket".[These cheap cigars are often converted into blunts rather than smoked directly. Cigars are often smoked to celebrate special occasion: the birth of a child, a graduation, a big sale. The expression "close but no cigar" comes from the practice of giving cigars as prizes in games involving good aim at fairgrounds. Since apart from certain forms of heavily cured and strong snuff, the cigar is the most potent form of self-dosing with tobacco, it has long had associations of being a male rite of passage, as it may have had during the pre-Columbian era in America. Its fumes and rituals have in American and European cultures established a "men's hut"; in the 19th century, men would retire to the "smoking room" after dinner, to discuss serious issues.