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1) some shinigami must eat apples to retain their happiness. Ryuk goes into a depressive state without apples, and twists up his body to show his displeasure.

2) apples from the shinigami realm are withered and bitter, while apples from the realm of the living are sweet and delicious. Ryuk is addicted to apples, much like other shinigami are addicted to alcohal and smoking

Ryuk said that(don't know if he said it in the manga)apples in the shinigami world,apples are consider cigarettes and/or alcohol

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Q: Why do shinigami like apples?
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What is so special about the Death Note apple?

The Shinigami like them because they are juicy . This is an excerpt from the Death Note Wiki article about apples ; "Apples are Ryuk's favorite food and probably the only thing he eats. He likes apples from the human world because they are "so juicy". Apples from the Shinigami Realm look like shriveled green peppers and are said by Misa to "taste like sand." Ryuk stated that apples are an addiction for him, like alcohol or cigarettes for humans (although when you see his withdrawal symptoms you'd think it was more like crack). Ryuk exhibits symptoms of withdrawal if he goes without eating apples for a while. These symptoms include contorting (twisting) his body into uncomfortable positions and desperation to the point that he will take orders for one (i.e. looking for hidden cameras in Light's room). Apples also symbolize the 'forbidden fruit'. In biblical history, Satan told Eve that eating an apple would give her the same status as God. Light's goal is to become a 'god', therefore confirming this theory. Thought, Ohba-sensei said in an interview for "Death Note: How to read" that he chose apples because he thought it was "cool". Apples have become a very popular commodity or currency in the Shinigami Realm when Ryuk returns with an unknown quantity after the end of the series. In the manga one-shot, Midora bribes the Shinigami King with 13 apples she brought back from the human world in order to receive an extra Death Note, which she gives to C-Kira. Gukku, one of the first Shinigami seen in the series, comments in the one-shot that Ryuk bringing human apples to the Shinigami Realm is the reason why Death Notes become so easily available. Gukku also states that "he doesn't know if that's a good thing or not." This could possibly be a precursor to more Death Notes being brought to the human world by Shinigami in future possible storylines. "

In Death Note can Shinigami touch human objects?

Yeah, If you gotten a little bit into the anime, Ryuk can hold apples and such.

Is there proof Shinigami exist?

There is no scientific or empirical evidence to support the existence of Shinigami, as they are creatures from Japanese folklore and mythology. Belief in Shinigami is based on cultural and religious perspectives rather than verifiable proof.

Do you believe their is such thing as shinigami?

Yes, I believe in a type of shinigami, but that's just my own opinion.-----Yes and I hope that L from death note becomes a shinigami because I love him. Yeah I know corny. But I cried when he died and I miss him. He was the whole book to me. ANyway I do believe in shinigami's and I would like to be one.

Is a shinigami demon or a god?

A Shinigami is a Death God.

Is ichigo the most powerful shinigami ever?

The Shinigami king, or 'King of Death' The head-honcho of Shinigami, of course.

Did light become a shinigami?

For a Shinigami to give a human the shinigami eyes (so that they can see humans names) the person must give up half of the number of years they have left to live to the Shinigami. Mikami did just that so that he could assist 'God' (a.k.a. (Kira, Light)). yeah but how does he get them like did he have his own shinigami or something because im cluless Mikami traded the shinigami eyes with Ryuk.

In the sentence you like apples is apples a noun or pronoun?

"You like apples" You is the pronoun. Apples is a noun. Like is a verb. Can you guess what the subject is? Hint is it not apples.

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Is it he does not like bananas or apples or bananas and apples?

Both are right but the meanings are different. 'He does not like bananas or apples' asserts two things: 'He does not like bananas'; 'He does not like apples.' He does not like bananas and apples means that he does not like bananas and apples together (eaten at the same time).

Where can you read shinigami to chocolate parfait online?

Shinigami to Chocolate Parfait can be read at