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swisher international the people who make king edward cigars kayak smokless tobacco silver creek ect.

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Q: Who make gold river smokeless tobacco?
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Can you carry smokeless tobacco to America?

Yes you can. It is legal, but be reasonable in the amount you carry as to not rouse suspicion. In addition, since the states has a plethora of smokeless chew and snuff, it wouldn't make much sense to import the stuff. I would go to a local smoke shop or 7-11. Also, moderation is key!

What effects does snorting fun-dip have on the body?

The effects of smokeless tobacco include:Increased heart rate caused by nicotine in the blood stream releasing hormones (such as adrenaline).Increased blood pressure caused by nicotine in the blood stream. Can cause irregular heart beats as well.Constricted blood vessels: nicotine constricts the blood vessels, slowing down the circulation of oxygen-rich blood to the organs.Cancer of the mouth (including the lip, tongue, and cheek): mouth cancer is 1 of the 10 most common cancers in the world. The risk of mouth cancer is four times greater for the smokeless tobacco user. It is particularly high where the tobacco is placed.Cancer of the throat: the risk of oral cancer is up to 50 times greater for the person who chews tobacco. The longer smokeless tobacco is used, the greater the risk.Discoloration of teeth: the products in smokeless tobacco permanently stain teeth.Halitosis: Bad breath caused by chewing tobacco is socially unacceptable and offensive.Gum recession: The direct and repeated contact of tobacco with the gum tissue causes the gums to recede from the teeth. This eventually can lead to the loss of teeth.Tooth decay: Smokeless tobacco contains high quantities of sugar. This sugar mixed with the plaque on your teeth forms acids that eat away at the tooth's enamel, causing cavities.

How much sugar in red man chewing tobacco?

Smokeless tobacco, a.k.a. dip or chewing tobacco, can be purchased in a pouch or can and is usually in a moist form. Some of the ingredients are: Nicotine: which is the addictive element found in all tobacco products.Carcinogens: considered the "cancer causing" element in tobacco products.Sweeteners: These are made of different sugars and flavors such as mint, wintergreen, or fruity flavors used to make the smokeless tobacco taste pleasing. However, these sugars also promote cavities and other dental issues.Abrasives: Gritty materials in the tobacco that can scratch soft tissues inside the mouth and allow the chemicals and nicotine to enter into the blood stream faster.Salt: added for flavor but also promotes high blood pressure.Other Chemicals: Tobacco products are filled with many different chemicals and health risks. All users should keep these in mind before choosing to use these products.

I came from England as a settler in hopes of finding gold. Instead I found a way to make a living more suited to where I live which job do I most likely have?

Tobacco farmer

How did Europeans make their money in the new world?

The Europeans made money with furs, fish, and tobacco. The Spanish made a lot of money in gold and silver but there was not much gold in the American colonies.

What does tobacco make?

Tobacco is used to make cigarettes, cigars, and snuff.

Is the river Pactolus still gold from King Midas?

There are no know records of weather the river Pactolus still contains gold but we do know that it did contain electrum (a kind of metal that was used to make coins)

How do you make tobacco?

Tobacco is grown, it is a plant.

Does tobacco make you shake and if so why?

Tobacco is a stimulant and so can make you shake.

What was tobacco used for?

Tobacco is used to make cigarettes

What are the ingredients that make mosquito coil smokeless burning?

Smokeless burning mosquito coils are caused by chemical reactions. These reactions cause odors that attract mosquitoes but then kill them.

Why did the settlers keep coming to Jamestown?

They first came for gold and silver, but after John Rolfe arrived settlers came to make money off tobacco