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Childhood Asthma

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Kendrick Rau

Lvl 10
3y ago
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Q: Which birth defect is most likely effect of exposure to cigarette smoke?
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Cigarette smoke can affect differentiation during embryo development. Which birth defect is most likely the effect of exposure to cigarette smoke?

Childhood Asthma

Cigarette smoke can affect cell differentiation during embryo development Which birth defect is most likely the effect of exposure to cigarette smoke?

Childhood asthma

Which birth effect is most likely the effect of exposure to cigarette smoke?

Childhood Asthma

Which birth defect is most likely the effect of exposure to cigarettes smoking?

Childhood Asthma

What birth defect is most likely the effects of exposure to cigarette smoke?

nicateen adiction ans..Childhood Asthma

What would be the most likely effect of cigarette smoke during embryo development?

Childhood asthma

How do asbestos test effect your immune system?

Exposure to asbestos will likely compromise the immune system because of the long-term stress to the body. The test for asbestos exposure does not affect the immune system.

How can you reconcile a construction defect?

Construction defect insurance is absolutely crucial when it comes to reconciling, because unless there is insurance for such a construction project, there is likely to be no compensation for the defect.

Why do the games under P on the R4 database not work?

its most likely a defect in the AR

What is fixed apical defect most likely attenuation artifact?

A fixed apical defect on a nuclear medicine myocardial perfusion scan is most likely due to an attenuation artifact caused by breast tissue, diaphragm, or body habitus. This artifact decreases the amount of radiation reaching the camera, resulting in a false defect in the apical region of the heart.

Would a Roman soldier defect?

That's not very likely. Roman soldiers were trained to be loyal to the end. They would rather die nobly than defect. There would be some who would defect, though, since there are always exceptions to every rule.

What would most likely cause a new genetic defect to appear in a gene pool?

Mutation .