There is nothing like "best" in Cuban cigars. Recently production quality standards are quite high and it is a matter of taste and style. Keep in mind though that smaller sizes are usually produced by apprentices or not very experienced rollers, while big and special edition sticks are rolled only by the very skillful and experienced of the "torcedores" (and the leaves are much more carefully selected)
Someone can get Cuban cigars at their birthplace: Cuba. All one needs to do is buy plane tickets to and from Cuba, and to go to a marketplace in Cuba to place an order for cigars.
Cuban cigars are imported into Canada , unlike the ban upon them in the US , and a quality Tobacconist or cigar shop should carry a selection of Cuban cigars .
Cuban cigars are not legal to sell (or buy) in the U.S. unless they are pre-ban.
cuban cigars in cascais
You will have to search for a vendor from a country that is not participating in the Cuban embargo. "Cuban's" are not available in the U.S.
Cuban cigars were banned February 7 , 1962 .
You will have to search for a vendor from a country that is not participating in the Cuban embargo. "Cuban's" are not available in the U.S.
No! It is illegal to bring Cuban cigars to the US!
In Germany
No. If you attempt to bring them across the border and are caught, you could end up in a lot of trouble.
I believe they are. I was one of those who believed that there were many cigars that all stood up to the scrutiny of the Cuban cigar. I am no longer of that belief. I started smoking Cuban Cigars in China and have been smoking them for almost three years now. I also still smoke Honduran, Nicaraguan, and Dominican. Though there are many good cigars out there, by and large Cuban's hold the honor (in my book) as the best Cigars in the world.
communism and cigars