12994 that is what it is OK have a nice day * * * * * They might have a nice day if the right answer, which is 150,000 were given instead of some random number.
nothin happens
Often, Most of the time, Generally...
around 10 times per day
The average person checks their phone about 10 times a day.
I am not sure exactly, but I have gotten stung 20 times in one day and when I called the hospital about it just to be sure, they said that I could possibly be allergic to bee stings after that
6 seconds pass by.
Depends who you ask, I smoke 10 joints a day, so compared to me, not excessive at all, lol!
10-11 a day favorit brand romeo y julietta
I've been to New Zealand five times and I would say 4 out of every 10 people smoke; 40% of their population.
Smoking is bad for you, no matter how many you smoke. There is no safe level of cigarettes to smoke. It will affect lots of things, like your lungs and simple things like your ability to taste things.