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· tar, a black, sticky substance that contains many poisonous chemical such as: ammonia (found in floor and window cleaner), toluene (found in industrial solvents) and acetone (found in paint stripper and nail polish remover).

· nicotine, the addictive drug in tobacco.

· carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas that reduces the amount of oxygen taken up by a person's red blood cells.

· hydrogen cyanide, the poison used in gas chambers during World War ll.

· metals, including lead, nickel, arsenic (white ant poison) and cadmium (used in car batteries).

· pesticides such as methoprene (found in flea powder). Other chemicals such as benzene (found in petrol) and naphthalene (found in mothballs) are also in tobacco smoke.

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Q: Whats the diffinition of cigarette smoke?
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What does the Green Smoke cigarette have in it?

The Green Smoke cigarette is better than real cigarette, it has no tar in it but does have nicotine.

How smoke is released from cigarette?

smoke comes through the filter on the cigarette and into your lungs

When was Cigarette Smoke Phantom created?

Cigarette Smoke Phantom was created in 2002.

Is inhaling a cigarette like smoking it?

You can inhale the cigarette smoke, but not the cigarette. To smoke is to inhale the smoke when it's in your lips. You also can inhale the smoke when the cigarette smoke is near to your nose, or through your open mouth. But never try to do it. Smoking is very harmful.

What is the effect of cigarette smoke on household plants?

If i test to see how cigarette smoke affects household plants, then it will be that cigarette smoke has shown to have an plants though it with oxygen.

Is cigarette smoke a suspension?

yes do not smoke

What does smoke a dart mean?

Smoke a cigarette

Is cigarette smoke a element?

Cigarette smoke is not an element. Elements are made of only one type of atom, cigarette smoke contains all type of atoms and particles, many (if not all) of which are toxic.

What do you call the combination of smoke from the burning end of a cigarette and the exhaled smoke from a smoker?

Sidestream Smoke. More than half the pollutants emitted by a cigarette come not from the smokedend of the cigarette but from its other end - the cigarette's burning end - and are called sidestream smoke.

Which cigarette does john Abraham smoke?

He doesn't smoke.

How to smoke?

You smoke by inhaling from the filter end of a cigarette.

What kind of smoke do cigarette produce?

bad smoke