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Q: What is temperance and prohibition?
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Why was prohibition introduced in 1919?

Prohibition came as a result of strong pressure from various Protestant denominations and temperance groups such as the Prohibition Party and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union.

What led to prohibition?

The temperance movement.

Who started Prohibition of liquor?

The temperance movement and the Progressive movement both pushed for prohibition,

Why did prohibition happen?

Because of the powerful temperance movement.

How far was the role of the Temperance Movement the most important reason for the introduction of prohibition in America?

There is no question that the temperance movement, particularly, the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), was the most important political force which resulted in Prohibition in 1920. There could never have been Prohibition without the WCTU.

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What has the author William H McNitt written?

William H. McNitt has written: 'Bibliography of resources on temperance and prohibition in the Michigan Historical Collections' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Temperance, Prohibition

What two organizations would you want to join for prohibition?

Two prohibition organizations today are the Prohibition Party and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU).

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What impact does prohibition have today on America?

Prohibition solidified a strong alcohol temperance movement in the US. The tradition continues today in the form of the neo-prohibition movement.