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the type of tobacco which cures with wood ,gas oil etc.

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Q: What is flue cured tobacco?
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What has the author Ralph G Kline written?

Ralph G. Kline has written: 'Economics of adjustments for large flue-cured tobacco farms, Southside Virginia' -- subject(s): Economic aspects of Flue-cured tobacco, Economic aspects of Tobacco farms, Flue-cured tobacco, Tobacco farms

What are the north cash crops?

some of them are sweet potatoes flue cured tobacco and rice

What has the author M K Mackenzie written?

M. K. Mackenzie has written: 'Present location and past diffusion of the flue-cured tobacco industry in West Nile District, Uganda' -- subject(s): Agricultural innovations, Flue-cured tobacco

What was the main cash crop in the colonial times in North Carolina?

some of them are sweet potatoes flue cured tobacco and rice

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Edward Joseph Smith has written: 'Impact of energy costs on manufacturing employment' -- subject(s): Effect of energy costs on, Employees, Labor supply, Manufacturing industries 'Employment changes in the flue-cured tobacco area, 1960-70' -- subject(s): Flue=cured tobacco, Labor supply, Tobacco workers

What has the author Larry M Sykes written?

Larry M. Sykes has written: 'Mechanization and labor reduction' -- subject(s): Tobacco industry, Flue-cured tobacco

What has the author Anthony John David Jackson written?

Anthony John David Jackson has written: 'The effect of rotary drying on physical and chemical properties of flue-cured tobacco'

How is tobacco produced in Virginia?

Tobacco plants grow in fields. Workers strip the leaves from the stalks. The leaves are hung upside down in a barn to dry. If the barn is not heated, burley tobacco is produced. If the barn is heated, flue cured tobacco is produced. Then the tobacco is taken to a warehouse. An auctioneer starts calling out numbers much faster than I can understand. Then he says sold and the farmer's load of tobacco is sold.

How is tobacco 'Cured'?

if your talking about chewing tobacco i believe it is fermented and smoked

Did John Smith successfully plant and cured tobacco?


Who made it successfully planted and cured tobacco?

the Africans

What has the author Robert H Nicholson written?

Robert H. Nicholson has written: 'An analysis of labor requirement and market price differences for tied and untied flue-cured tobacco' -- subject(s): Tobacco industry 'Some economic aspects of the national school lunch program in North Carolina' -- subject(s): National school lunch program