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In Cockney Rhyming Slang, the slang for cigarette or fag is oily rag, "Got any oily rags mate, I'm gaspin"

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Q: What are British slang words for cigarette?
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A "fag" is British slang for a cigarette.

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They're usually just called a cigarette but maybe you're thinking about one of their slang names which is 'fag'

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What is a weed slang for in 1967?

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Thou,Thee=You/Your That's All I Know ._.

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What is the British slang for piggy bank?

According to BritishSlangs, "Piggy Bank", is actually British slang.

What are some words that british people say?

There are long lists of British slang on various websites. Take them with a grain of salt, some of those words are rarely, if ever, used.