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The average age that kids start smoking around the world is 13 years old.

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Q: What age do kids start smoking all over the world?
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Shold smoking be banned in restaurants?

Smoking should definitely be banned in restaurants all over the world. This is because smoking harms the non smokers and kids.

How long before black lungs start to turn pink again when you quit smoking?

Actually they can over time. It takes about a few years but if you start smoking again it will ruin all your progress and will have to start over the quiting process.

How many kids try smoking each year?

There are about over 150 teens that smoke a year.

Would it be too late to quit smoking at age 63?

As you start smoking your health over time deteriorate so no in fact its better than never!

How many kids of cats are in the world?

Over 30,000,000

Do kids get bullied all over?

[; all over as in around the world. Yes. they do.

Why is it a bad idea for a teen to start smoking?

It's a bad idea for ANYONE to start smoking. It's extra bad for teens since damage done by smoking adds up over the years. The sooner you start, the more likely you are to get sick from the cigarettes before old age gets you. It's also extra bad as smoking costs money, and teens tend to have less money than adults.

How many kids are obese in the world today?

i think probably is over 60% of kids are obese

Any ideas on how to quit smoking over a weekend?

If it's just for the weekend, use the patch, then start again on Monday!

Kindly let the kids to start over again to get a new time to come by tomorrow morning if you can call and get it to get the status is and time to start over again but?


Is an electric cigarette as addictive as a normal cigarette?

No. They're both cigarettes but the difference is that the electric cigarette helps decrease your nicotine intake from normal cigarettes. They also help you get over your smoking habit of smoking real cigarettes. If you stop smoking and start craving for cigarettes, use an electric cigarette to help you get over it.

Did Michael Jackson care for kids all over the world?

yes he did.