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There are many over the counter options to help smokers quit, but yes, several prescription medications have been proven to help reduce nicotine cravings. See your family doctor for more information.

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14y ago

There are many options available to help one stop smoking. There are nicotine patches, nicotine gum, nicotine lozenges, and inhalers. Nicorette makes several of these products. There are also drugs without nicotine like Bupropion made to help you stop smoking.

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What are some medicines used to help one quit smoking?

One can use Nicorette gum, or patches. Your doctor may also be able to prescribe you with a medication to stop your cravings. And you can also check in to electronic cigarettes.

Which is the best way to stop smoking?

Listen to your family, and have them help you through it. Another alternative could be to use electronic cigarettes or stop smoking patches or pills from companies like Nicorette.

How do you use nicotine in a sentence?

Nicotine is a chemical found in tobacco products. If you become addicted to smoking, it is not just the act of smoking you are addicted to, but also the nicotine. One way to help yourself stop smoking is to use nicotine patches.

What are some effective ways to get people to stop smoking?

You can always try to use the Nicorette medicine, or the anti-smoking patches. Another good way to help stop is to do something you enjoy rather than smoking a cigarette. You tend to take your mind off the crave when you're doing something you enjoy.

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use public transportation, stop smoking, and dont use your chimmeny as often

Is an electric cigarette as addictive as a normal cigarette?

No. They're both cigarettes but the difference is that the electric cigarette helps decrease your nicotine intake from normal cigarettes. They also help you get over your smoking habit of smoking real cigarettes. If you stop smoking and start craving for cigarettes, use an electric cigarette to help you get over it.

Does chantix stop you from dipping skoal?

Chantix is a prescription medication used to help people quit smoking. It is not specifically designed to help with quitting smokeless tobacco products like Skoal. However, some individuals have found Chantix helpful in reducing their use of smokeless tobacco products, but it is always recommended to speak with a healthcare provider for personalized advice on quitting.

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Beth Hargrove

How can I get my dad to stop smoking?

Smoking is a horrible habit and is also extremely hard to quit. There are numerous things on the market now that will assist your father in trying to quit smoking, but first he has to want to quit. There are things such as Nicorette gum or lozenges as well as a nicotine patch that he can use to help him.

What is the best way to stop acne from face any food medication or something?

The best way to stop acne from appearing on your face is with a prescription medication. Your doctor will have to prescribe you the medication, which is available in both cream and pill form. There is not food that you can use on acne to stop it.

Does smoking or drinking stop the growth of the penis?

No, not at all. Smoking and drinking may make it difficult to have sex, however, after long use.

do you use laser therapy to stop smoking if so what is the average cost,?

You can find out more about Quit Smoking laser treatment at: