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well if you are talking about the feeling you get from it, that will wear off in like 10-15 minutes. if you are talking about the nicotine, i am not really sure, but i would guess anywhere between a few hours to a day.

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Q: If you normally do not smoke how long does it take to get one cigarette out of your system?
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How long to smoke a cigarette?

Six Minutes

If you smoke cocaine in a cigarette how long will it take to leave your system?

1-3 days average

How long does cigarette smoke stay on clothes?

Generally until you wash them.

If you smoke one cigarette how long does nicotine stay in your blood or urine or is it even detected?

It can be detected. The metabolite from nicotine will stay in your system up to 4 or 5 days.

Does exposure to secondhand smokes carries the same long-term health risks as smoking?

Short answer: yes. Long answer, inhaling cigarette smoke is bad, inhaling diluted cigarette smoke is less bad -- but given ten years, not good.

How long does the smell of ciggerette smoke stay in a room?

The smell of cigarette smoke can linger in the air for a long time. The smell can get into the carpet and the walls, and become a permanent scent in a home.

How long is military break?

During the Vietnam War, that was called a "smoke break." Long enough time to smoke a cigarette. Added to that command was, "...if you don't have one, borrow one from your buddy!"

Is it safe to smoke a cigarette occassionally?

Contrary to what Tobacco Control would say, there is absolutely no evidence that smoking the occasional cigarette is harmful - as long as it is the only the occasional one!

Why is smoke coming out of a heating system from the outside?

If it is white "smoke" then it is probably not smoke at all but only water vapour that is being cooled as it enters the cold air outside the house. It is nothing to worry about as long the heating system is working normally and also as long as you are having the heating system serviced every year by a licensed HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) engineer.Black or blue smoke coming out is another matter altogether and could indicate a dangerous fault in the system. If you see that kind of smoke coming out it is time to call a licensed HVAC engineer to inspect the system and advise you what should be done.

Can you smoke the electronic cigarette before a surgery?

It depends on how long before surgery you smoke an e-cig. No matter when you smoke your last pre-surgery electronic cigarette, it is overwhelmingly safer than smoking a tobacco cigarette! You need to ask your anesthesiologist this question. My guess, as someone who has had a lot of surgeries in the last few years and a smoker of e-cigs, is: the day before. Most often it seems that you check into the hospital long before your surgery and then you're kept so busy that you aren't able to smoke anyway.

How long does marijuana stay in your system if you smoke every weekend?

It can stay your system for up to 30 days after your last smoke.

How do you use the cigarette lighter on a 2002 passat?

I do not smoke. Both my parents died long, lingering deaths from smoking-related diseases.