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Contrary to popular belief, it is not. Cigars, most prominantely made in the mid 1800's, far exceed cigarettes, though they come from the same 'family.' Cigarettes, as of 2011, have exceeded that of Cigars. So, in essance, cigarettes are the most common form of tobacco in a product.

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Q: How widespread is tobacco?
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What was a long-term consequence of early colonists' decision to grow and export a tobacco crop?

It resulted in the widespread use of slavery in the South

What are the working conditions for tobacco farmers?

Tobacco farming is extremely labour intensive. This has a major impact on farming families who must provide much of the unpaid labour. The use of child labour in tobacco growing is widespread, with children often being pulled out of school at key harvesting times. Women are negatively affected as well, as is food production for the family as a result. As the international tobacco industry becomes ever more powerful and consolidated, the cheap (and often unpaid) labour of women is a key factor that ensures the large profit margins of tobacco multinationals.

Is widespread an abstract noun?

No, the word widespread is an adjective, a word that describes a noun, for example a widespread belief or a widespread contamination.There is no noun form for the adjective widespread.

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What is English tobacco?

Tobacco made in England

What is unmanufactured tobacco?

Tobacco Leaves on a tobacco plant

What New World explorer was the first introduced to tobacco?

A widespread and often-repeated story has it that it was Sir Walter Raleigh. But it wasn't. It was unknown Spanish sailors who were the first to try tobacco and who brought the habit back to Europe. But Sir Walter was an avid smoker and a popular public figure, so he certainly made smoking widely known and fashionable in England.

Why is tobacco called tobacco?

tobacco means killing people

What does cure tobacco mean?

Curing tobacco is when a tobacco farmer hangs the tobacco leaves in a barn to dry and age prior to sending them to market for purchase by tobacco companies.

How do you use tobacco in the sentence?

They grew tobacco in the colonies. The tobacco had to be harvested by hand.

Is Hookah Tobacco basically legal marijuana?

no, tobacco is never marijuana... its tobacco.